Year 3 – have been writing their own narratives in English, focusing on using speech marks, prepositions and expanded noun phrases. In Maths, they have continued to focus on times tables, looking at the relationship between the 2, 4 and times table. They had a visit from Revd. Sarah Smith on Wednesday, who shared The Nativity Story in an interactive style. The children enjoyed dressing up and acting out the roles within the story. In Computing, they have completed their PowerPoint presentations that they have been working on over the last half term.
Year 4 – have finished off their longest piece of writing to date! They have completed writing a travel brochure about Iceland, they have worked hard to use the features of the success criteria to write about the magical things to see, the thrilling and exciting things to do and even a hotel recommendation. In maths, they have worked on their times tables and problem-solving skills. In History, they worked in small groups to produce some amazing pieces of work comparing the daily lives of the Ancient Greeks. They were quite surprised by the difference with modern life. In Science they finished their 'Sound' topic by consolidation their learning and creating some informative information texts. Year 5 – have finished writing the narrative on 'The Christmasaurus' and have published it; their splendid handwriting shone through! They have also worked so hard on completing their assessments in Maths and Reading. In DT, the children learnt about different types of stitches and applied those skills to create marvellous pencil cases - their creativity and skilfulness has been remarkable! It has been a busy but fun week in Year 5! Year 6 – have worked exceptionally hard completing their end of term assessments. We are extremely proud of every single one of the children in Year 6 and we hope that they feel very proud of all they have achieved this half term. In English, Year 6 have continued writing their narrative based on the video - Glued. In Humanities, Year 6 have enjoyed researching and presenting information on Brazilian culture including: food, religion, celebrations, traditions, sport and leisure. - Activity clubs for next half term are now available to book!
Clubs start Monday 8th January and run for 5 weeks, the last club being Friday 9th February. All clubs are 3.15pm to 4.30pm with pick up at the front of the school. Clubs cost £7 per club and can be booked for the full half term, £35. We are still offering a discounted rate to any children entitled to Pupil Premium (the discounted cost will show automatically to anyone entitled). Should you have any issues logging into your School Money account, please email [email protected]. This Week In School…
Year 3 – have had a very busy week! They have worked extremely hard on with their English and Maths assessments, demonstrating all they have learnt over the last term. In English they have been writing, using the 'message in a bottle' picture as a prompt. In Maths, they have continued their learning about multiplication and division, focusing on the connection between the two operations. In Science, they have concluded their topic about animals by looking at how muscles work within the human body. They had a Zoom call with Farmer Nicola on Tuesday. She shared how she has to care for the sheep and deer each day, in any weather, including on Christmas Day! She gave them a demonstration about how her tractor is used to distribute the food across the glen to feed the sheep. Year 4 – have worked really hard on their end of term assessments and should be proud of themselves. In English, they have written their next instalment of their travel brochure about Iceland by writing about what you can see on your trip there. They have tried to include fronted adverbials in their writing. In Maths, they have been recapping their written methods of addition and subtraction. In DT, they have planned a seasonal vegetable soup that they will make before the end of term. In computing they discussed and compared the amount of time they spend online and on devices. They have also enjoyed designing some special houses as part of our up and coming collaboration display with Hilton, Locke and King. Keep an eye on the estate agents’ windows for some special houses coming soon! Year 5 – have begun writing a narrative based on a book called the 'Christmasaurus'. The children have worked hard in describing the clumsy, wishful Christmasaurus and the magical North Pole - they have definitely impressed the Year 5 teachers with their ambitious vocabulary. In Maths, the children have been working on subtracting fractions using their knowledge of mixed numbers and improper fractions. They have also begun to explore types of fastenings and stiches in DT and are going to use this knowledge to produce a wonderful creation next week. It has been a fun and industrious week in Year 5! Year 6 – have started a new piece of writing in English. They have watched a video called 'Glued' and will be re-writing the story. So far, the children have started to write setting and character descriptions and we have been very impressed by the figurative language and vocabulary they have been using to write some effective descriptions. In Maths, the children have finished their topic on fractions by focussing on multiplying and dividing fractions. They have continued learning about Brazil in Humanities, this week learning about the different climates in the country and about the extreme weather and natural disasters faced by Brazil. In Computing, the children have been developing their learning about spreadsheets. This half-term our Eco-Warriors have been hard at work learning about the problems of idling and what this can do to their health. The children have been designing posters to raise awareness and hopefully make a difference to our school.
This year our Eco-Committee will be working towards eco-projects that make our school more sustainable, increase environmental learning, and benefit their local community. At the end of the school year, we hope to achieve our very own Eco-School Green Flag! This Week In School…
Year 3 – have taken to the stage with the rest of the school to perform their winter poems on Monday evening. Both Cardiff and Cairo class did brilliantly! In Maths, Year 3 have been building their multiplication and division skills. They have been focusing on multiplying and dividing by 3 and working hard to transfer their knowledge to solve word problems. In English, the children have become news reporters and have been busy writing their own newspaper article based on the story of The Stone Age Boy. They have worked hard to create engaging reports which include the key features of newspapers. During Science this week, Year 3 have been learning more about animals, particularly their skeletons. They have used their learning to sort animals based on their different types of skeletons. It has been a very busy week! Year 4 – have used what they learnt on the Y4 Iceland Day to start writing a travel brochure. In Maths, they have been multiplying by 1 and 0, dividing by 1 and itself and multiplying three numbers together. In History, they have been really interested in learning about Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses. They have created an amazing fact file and retold the Greek Myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. In Guided Reading, we have continued looking at their text 'Arthur and the Golden Rope' and have discussed what makes a hero and a villain. In PSHE, they explored what is special about themselves and each other. They said positive affirmations to themselves and shared what is special about each other. Year 5 – have explored mixed numbers and improper fractions even further. They have been busy adding fractions within 1 and greater than 1. In English, the children have started exploring Christmas stories and have written detailed character and setting description - they were remarkable! In Science, the children produced a leaflet to consolidate everything they have learnt about materials. The children explored the end of the era for Vikings to further deepen their understanding about the Vikings in Humanities. It was a fun learning week in Year 5! Year 6 – have begun planning a narrative based on a short video clip called 'Glue'. The children are looking forward to retelling the story of a boy addicted to computer games! In maths, Year 6 have worked hard solving problems involving multiplying fractions by integers. In humanities, Year 6 have started to explore Brazil as a country, this week they looked at its location, its capital city and the main regions. |
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January 2025