This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been very busy this week learning about weighing in grams and kilograms in Maths. In English, they have been exploring the features of poetry, followed by writing their own poems about the journey of a pebble. They have been incredibly creative with their ideas and use of vocabulary. In Humanities, they have begun to learn about Pre-Historic Britain and have created their own timelines. On Thursday, they had a very exciting Zoom call with Farmer Nicola! She showed Year 3 around the lambing shed. They have had 86 lambs born on the farm over the last two weeks. Nicola showed us a very hungry lamb being bottle fed and it drank the whole bottle in 56 seconds! Year 4 – have taken on a classic fairy tale ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and twisted the story to tell it from a different point of view. Some have a very misunderstood wolf who was just concerned about Red’s safety as she quite happily shared information with a stranger! In Maths, they have been working on comparing and organising decimals. They have also started their exciting Romans History topic by discovering what Iver would have been like as part of a Celtic tribe and comparing it to the life in Rome at the same time. They have also been comparing the lives of rich and poor Romans. In Science, they have begun looking at their topic on habitats. Year 4 have also been very lucky to have taken part in an exciting music lesson this week. They have been singing and playing glockenspiels along to different songs including Mamma Mia and a song about IVJS. Year 5 – have continued their work learning about decimals in Maths. They have added and subtracted decimals within ‘one’ and understood how number bonds help to make one whole. They have been creating a leaflet about Epcot for English to identify it’s features and watched a video about Epcot which inspired our writing. They planned what information to include then began writing our paragraphs. Year 5 have also continued to study the work of Van Gogh. They have looked closely at his Starry Night painting and used his style to create their own interpretation of this famous art work. Year 6 – have all been working exceptionally hard on their return to school after the Easter Holidays. SATs are almost upon us, so much of this week has been focused on grammar revision in English; and covering one of our last topics in maths - Statistics. We have started our new Humanities topic - The Maya civilisation, where the children have found out where this ancient civilisation were and how their abandoned city of Chichen Itza was discovered by the Spanish conquistadors just over 500 years ago. In PSHE this week, we looked at mental health and discussed how we can look after our mental health. The children have begun coding text adventure stories in computing. Over the next few weeks our Science lessons are based on the topic ‘Animals and humans’ throughout this topic, children learn about the changes that human beings experience as they develop to old age. Children will learn about the life cycle of a human being. They will investigate the development of babies and compare the gestation period of humans and other animals. They will learn about the changes experienced during puberty and why these occur. Below shows the outline of the lessons that will be covered and the vocabulary used. As this is part of the Year 5 Science National Curriculum all children are expected to take part in these lessons. If you do have any questions or worries, please speak to a member of staff.
Kindest regards, Mrs Chapman-Allen Clubs for next half term are now available to book. All clubs are on our site and run until 4.15pm, collection will be at the front of the school. They will run from the first day back (25th April) through to the last week of the half term (26th May).
We have a Softball Coach and a Netball Coach coming in to run clubs on a Monday and a Tuesday. Mr Hawkes is running Girls Football and Cricket on Thursdays and Fridays. These clubs are available to book on the School Money system. Places are limited to 16 for each club so they will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Head to and login under parent login to book. AJD are running a club on our grounds on a Wednesday, places have been booked via reply slip. We will be sending information to parents regarding how to pay the company directly. This club will run for the FULL summer term, until July. Thank you to everyone who completed our Parent/Carer Survey! We have put together the results however, if you have any other questions or any further feedback, please feel free to use our contact us form. Please click on the image below for the full pdf of results.
This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been creating a travel brochure for their own imaginary island in English. They have created underwater hotels, fun activities and tropical landscapes. They focused on including subordinating conjunctions and clauses in their writing this week to help vary their sentence structure. In Maths, they continued developing their knowledge of time. They discussed where the hands of an analogue should be for o'clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to and the 5 minute intervals. In Design and Technology, they have started to plan their CAMS mechanisms, which they will continue to create next week. In P.E., they had great fun competing in Interhouse Benchball and demonstrated their sportsmanship. Year 4 – have been hard at work exploring decimals. They have been converting tenths and hundredths into decimals. In English this week, Year four travelled to the House of the Dead and took part in the mummification process of poor Daisy the science mannequin. As they watched and took part in the process, they made notes that they then used to help them write instructions for a new Egyptian embalmer. They were very respectful of the mummification process and as a result have written a set of detailed instructions. In Science, they finally got to look at the results of their tooth decay experiment. They were able to examine the different egg shells and look at what drink had caused the most damage to the shell (representing tooth enamel). In Humanities, they have been practising to become Egyptian scribes and writing in hieroglyphics and learning about the different Egyptian gods. Year 5 – have continued Swimming lessons this week and all the children have continued to make progress. We are so pleased with the effort the children have been making and we hope that they have really enjoyed the experience. In Math's this week they have continued to look at Decimal numbers. They have worked on identifying thousandths as decimals and rounding decimals followed by ordering and comparing decimals before finally understanding percentages. They have continued with our narrative work based on 'The Girl And The Fox' and have completed the initial piece of writing. They have focused their attention on using inverted commas, co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions as well as using commas for lists. Next week, they will be editing and publishing their final pieces. They have all now had the opportunity to complete their Indian art work, completing Rangoli Patterns. Lots of the children really focused their attention on the colour and detail in their design. Everyone was impressed by some of the work produced. Year 6 – have continued to enjoy their swimming lessons, making great progress in the pool. Also outside of the classroom, in PE the children have been working together to plan PE games that they can deliver to children in Year 3 next week. In English, the children have finished writing their recounts of the recent trip to Cuffley Camp and have been publishing these this week. They have started our new Science topic - Electricity; as well as recapping the various components involved in a circuit, the children have been investigating the types of circuits required to light bulbs showing various levels of brightness. In PSHE, the children have worked in groups to plan a presentation showing an event they could do to raise money for a specific charity. They will be showing their presentations to the rest of their class, who will then vote to choose which event they would want to do and which charity they would want to support - we look forward to seeing the various presentations. |
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February 2025