With all recent research highlighting the benefits to our health and well being, by spending time outside, the school would like to have an outdoor classroom in order to spend more time learning outdoors. The children in Enterprise Club are organising a fundraising event that will take place next Thursday, 8th March, weather permitting. The whole school, both children and adults, will be putting on their wellies and walking around the back field from 2.30pm until 3pm. Parents are invited to come and join in too. How amazing that you can get fit together! Please note, this letter has been sent out as a paper copy today. Show Racism the Red Card provides educational workshops, training sessions, multimedia packages, and a whole host of other resources, all with the purpose of tackling racism in society. They visited our Year 5's and 6's and had interactive workshops and a fitness session explaining and discussing racism. The children enjoyed these workshops and have learnt a great deal!
This Week In School… Year 3 – have been working hard to read and understand time using analogue clocks. In English, they have started reading a new book called Arthur and the Golden Rope. They have also written a descriptive poem titled ‘Books Are…’ using metaphors and personification. In Humanities, Year 3 have started their Victorians topic! Year 4 – have continued to learn about fractions including adding fractions in Maths. In English, they have introduced the new book Noah Barleywater Runs Away and the children have begun writing their own version of chapter one. Year 5 – have been focusing on 'decimals' and 'place value' including tenths, hundredths and thousandths in Maths. In English, they have started focusing on an exciting new book The Adventures of Odysseus. Some children have even been finding other books about different myths and legends! Year 5 have also spent Thursday spent with the people from 'Show Racism the Red Card,' which is an extremely important issue - please ask your child what they have learnt. Today, they explored the Science Museum and found amazing things, watched an iMax movie then spent time investigating different experiments. Year 6 – have had an amazing day at Denham Country park this week as well as having spent time going over the Mock SATs they took part in before half term in order to help them identify any areas in which they can improve. The children also enjoyed taking part in various activities linked to the Red Card for Racism day for Upper Key Stage 2 on Thursday. Today, Year 5 explored the wonderful Science Museum and found amazing things and then spent time investigating different experiments in the WONDERLAB. Finally they watched the movie "A Beautiful Planet" in the iMax.
Year 6 enjoyed a great day visiting Denham Country Park where they took part in three activities: A wild walk, river dipping and river dynamics. On the wild walk the children had the opportunity to identify various wildlife, listen to the sounds around them, find out about Deep Lock on the canal and they even had a game of Pooh sticks whilst working out which part of the River Colne flowed fastest. During river dipping they learnt the best way to disturb the river bed in order to use nets to see what organisms they could catch. They were then able to use magnifying glasses and identification sheets to work out the names of the creatures they had caught. The river dynamics session had the children using science and maths techniques to measure the width, depth and flow of the river. They were really lucky with the weather and most managed to stay dry! The children can now use this information to enhance their understanding of our rivers topic. This year at IVJS we are having a Reading Revolution and have invited all children at our school to participate. The overall aim of our Reading Revolution is to develop a love of reading in every child. We not only want to develop a lifelong love of reading in our learners for their enjoyment, but also realise that reading can broaden vocabulary, increase general knowledge and develop a better understanding of other cultures. We hope that by raising the profile of reading we can engage any reluctant readers and broaden the variety of books accessible to others who already have the ‘reading bug’. We have planned at least one reading event each month to ensure there is something for everyone.
Our first task at the end of the last academic year was to rejuvenate our library. We employed a fantastic children’s librarian to help us with this endeavour. Firstly, she audited our book stock and then advised us on which titles and authors would be most engaging for our young readers. We had a fantastic reopening ceremony and the children are much happier with their library now. In September, our first event was to ensure that as many children as possible had access to local libraries. We were lucky enough to get the local library manager to come and sign children up one week before and after school. He also returned with the new library cards and issued them to the children who were excited to go and see what the library had to offer. Whilst he was here, he also handed out certificates to those children who participated in the summer reading challenge which we had promoted in July. In October, we took on a fantastic new member of staff – Dudley the reading dog! Reading to dogs has been proven to help children develop literacy skills and build confidence. This comforting environment helps to nurture children's enthusiasm for reading and provides them with the confidence needed to read aloud. In November, our event was called ‘Reading Rocks!’ The library was open one morning before school. Children and parents were invited to come and share some of their favourite books together with a cup of tea and a biscuit. In December we had a very busy month with two events. The first was ‘PJs, Hot Chocolate and a Good Book!’ All the children returned to school in their pyjamas or onesies (not forgetting to bring their teddies) and had a wonderful evening reading to one another. The second event was ‘Books and Baking’ each class had the opportunity to bake and decorate some festive favourites. Once all the baking and decorating was completed they enjoyed their delicious creations whilst their teacher shared a story with them. We are now very much looking forward to World Book Day which is always a fantastic, fulfilled day at IVJS. We hope you enjoy our display which is a celebration of what our Reading Revolution has had to offer…so far. School council and the Eco group joined forces this week to take part in the RSPB National Bird Watch. Pupils worked in pairs during assembly time to go outside with clipboards and recording charts to record how many of different types of birds they could see. Some of the Years 5s & 6s even gave up their break time to continue the task. The data will be submitted to the RSPB to form part of their national bird count.
This year, IVJS will be celebrating World Book Day on Friday 2nd March 2018. We would like to invite you to join us in helping your child to make the most of this special occasion. We are giving the children the chance to come into school dressed as their favourite literary character for the day on the day. World Book Day celebrates the joy and value of books and reading, especially for children. To help encourage them on their reading journey, every child has received a £1 World Book Day Book Token that will be exchanged for one of the ten special £1 World Book Day books. The children will choose their books in school and will receive their books from school on the day. This Week In School: Year 3 – have continued with their book and have imagined they are the main character from Oliver and the Seawigs and have written a letter to Iris the mermaid from his perspective. The children have worked hard using the Yr3 success criteria. In Maths, they have been working on Money problems by adding and subtracting amounts of money as well as working out change to be give using number lines. Year 4 – have been working on fractions this week, understanding what the numerator and denominator are and how to find quantities of an amount. In English, we have been writing a persuasive advertisement for Isatou Cessay's purses made out of recycled plastic bags. Year 5 – have finished writing their narrative based on their class reader. It was amazing to see Year 5 use all their creative juices to write imaginative and interesting stories. In Maths, they revised through adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions- what a tricky topic! In Science, Year 5 have created their very own boats to observe water resistance in action, as well as looking at stream-lined shapes. Year 6 – have been fantastic during assessment week! Their hard work and concentration has been excellent - well done! During English, they have been drafting an adventure story using exciting vocabulary and adventurous punctuation. They have also been desperately trying to finish their Power of Reading book 'Pax' so that we can find out what happens before half term! On Tuesday, they learnt all about how to remain safe on the internet during an informative assembly and a PSHE lesson taught by Mrs Herring. |
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January 2025