This week in school…
Year 3 – have been working extra hard on their writing by creating adventure stories based on the 5 children. Alongside this, they have been surveying and creating graphs about what they have learnt. Year 4 – have written a first person narrative in English. In Maths, they have tackled some really tricky word problems using all four operations. They have also been practising really hard to learn the poems, Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella. Year 5 – have had guest teacher Mr Tang with them all week doing poetry and designing Top Trumps Cards in maths. Thank you to all the parents who watched their class assembly, it was out of this world. They hope that you found it egg-citing – get it? Egg-citing? Ah forget it. Year 6 – have been working really hard this week, showing us what great things they have learned as they sat their final Mock SATs. We are really proud of the progress they are making. Not long now till the real thing - keep up the hard work year 6! They have also been writing recounts of their trip to Denham Country Park last week and have enjoyed preparing poems to perform in front of the whole school; they did a great job with their performances. Click here to view this week's bulletin. We are pleased to tell you that Snowdrop Class will be participating in swimming lessons next term. Swimming lessons are held at the Chalfont Leisure Centre on Fridays and transport is provided to and from the pool. Swimming will start on Friday 28th April 2017.
Click here to view the full letter. We are pleased to tell you that Rose Class will be participating in swimming lessons next term. Swimming lessons are held at the Chalfont Leisure Centre on Mondays and transport is provided to and from the pool. Swimming will start on Mondays 24th April 2017.
Click here to view the full letter. This term we have been learning about the Victorians. In order to support children’s learning, we will behaving a Victorian themed day in school on Thursday 20th April 2017.
Click here to view the full letter. A trip is being organised for year 3 to visit the Iver Environment Centre on Thursday 11th May 2017.
The purpose of the visit is to support and enhance your child’s learning about plants, animals and lifecycles. It will be a fun and interactive experience where children will get a first-hand experience of nature. They will even be pond dipping to become river detectives! Click here to view the full letter. Iver Village Junior School will be having an Easter Bonnet parade for all children who would like to join in, on Friday 31st March 2017.
All children are invited to create bonnets, or Easter headwear. It can be a traditional bonnet or maybe a baseball cap or, indeed, decorating your child’s favourite dressing up hat, the choice is endless! Click here to view the full letter. This week in school…
Year 3 – have been working on finding fractions of whole numbers in Maths. In English, they have been learning all about poetry. They have created their own ‘Magic Box’ poems. Year 4 – have been writing descriptive poems using alliteration, similes and onomatopoeia. In Maths, they have been subtracting, ensuring they borrow correctly. Also, they have been checking their answers using the inverse. Year 5 – have been very busy this week. Half of the year went to the Royal Albert Hall as part of Echoes 7. It was a fantastic event and the kids really enjoyed themselves. Snowdrop have been practising for the class assembly next week… they hope everyone can come to watch it! Year 6 – have been busy getting ready for mock SATs week next week and have finished the week with their trip to Denham Country Park where they got to go river dipping! Click here to view this week's bulletin. This week's brainiac awards have been handed out for independently excelling in work, displaying model behaviour and even for having great expression when practising for a class assembly! Great work everyone.
On Wednesday 19th April, an exciting opportunity has arisen for 10 IVJS students to attend a golf taster session at Huntswood Golf Club. The session will cost just £1 per child and runs from 3:30pm – 5:00pm. Children would need to be collected from IVJS at 3pm and taken to the Huntswood Golf Club by their parents, then collected between 5pm and 5:15pm. This is a great opportunity; places will be filled on a first come first served basis.
Please note, this is open to Years 5 and 6 initially. Click here to view the full letter. |
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February 2025