Our local police station have asked us to make parents aware of parking issues during peak times.
Click here to view the full letter. Last week, Years 5 and 6 took part in the yearly Bikeability training. They had loads of fun and most importantly, learned how to stay safe out and about. Congratulations to everyone who took part.
Our Year 6 children on PGL got away safely this afternoon ... keep checking back for updates and pictures of their adventures!
This week in school…
Year 3 – have been learning to count to 10 in French and use their adjectives to help make their writing more interesting. Year 4 – have learned about how to make the characters in our narratives come alive using speech. Year 5 – have been learning about the Bayeux Tapestry in humanities and will be creating a pop-up book based on it in Design Technology. Year 6 – have started to design a new app! Click here for this week's full bulletin. A big thank you to everyone who attended our Open Evening on Tuesday, it was lovely to see so many of you. The feedback was really positive and we are pleased that you got to meet your child's teacher and see all the fabulous work they have been doing this year. If you were unable to attend please click the link below to see a copy of the presentation. We were really lucky to have been visited by Animal Edutainment UK last week. They provide exciting animal handling workshops, animal encounters and animal displays featuring a wide range of animals; both familiar and exotic. The children really enjoyed themselves and they will use this experience to assist their writing over the coming weeks.
Gallery to follow... This week in school…
Year 3 – have been writing leaflets about animals ensuring they include loads of facts and figures. In Maths they have learnt about money and begun to develop their problem solving skills. Year 4 – have been writing letters in English trying to use emotive language, rhetorical questions and powerful adjectives. In Maths they are learning to add using a variety of methods. Year 5 – have been writing a newspaper report. They have been looking at the structure of reports and will be writing their own report about an animal. In Science, they have looked at healthy eating. Year 6 – have started persuasive arguments based on the ethics and morals of zoos. Click here for this week's full bulletin. Today we sent the curriculum for each year group. Please find the newsletters for each year group.
Click here for Year 3 Curriculum Newsletter. Click here for Year 4 Curriculum Newsletter. Click here for Year 5 Curriculum Newsletter. Click here for Year 6 Curriculum Newsletter. Some of our Yr 6 students have been selected to compete in the Wycombe Phoenix Harriers cross country event. This is this 12th annual race for schools and will be held at Hughenden Park (close to Wycombe town centre) on Saturday 3rd October 2015.
Click here to view the full letter. |
School NewsThis is where we'll post all school news and updates. If you require paper copies of any information on our website then please contact Miss Lainsbury in our school reception. Archives
February 2025