Y6 SATs Information
Click the above image to read the Information for Schools and Parents leaflet
2023 - 2024 Results
% of children achieving an ‘expected standard’ Reading = 88% (National Average 74%) Writing = 78% (National Average 73%) Maths = 86% (National Average 72%) Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar = 86% (National Average 72%) % of children meeting the ‘expected standard’ in Reading, Writing and Maths 78% (National Average 61%) % of children meeting ‘greater depth’ Reading = 32% (National Average n/a) Writing = 24% (National Average n/a) Maths = 46% (National Average n/a) Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar = 51% (National Average n/a) % of children meeting ‘greater depth’ in Reading, Writing and Maths 16% (National Average n/a) Average Scaled Scores Reading = 107 (National Average 105) Maths = 108 (National Average 104) SPAG = 109 (National Average 105) For a more detailed view please click on the link for the Department of Education Performance Data |