To Parent/Guardian of child in Year 5 in September 2022
Dear Parents/Guardians, We have provisionally booked a 4-night residential visit to the Windmill Hill near Hailsham, Sussex from Monday 16th October – Friday 20th October 2023. The visit includes a full programme of activities and is similar to those we have run in the past. The group will be accompanied by teaching staff from the school and fully qualified instructors at the centre supervise each activity. Whilst the trip is not essential for curriculum purposes, it provides an excellent opportunity for children to extend their learning and to refine their personal and social skills. A meeting for parents giving detailed arrangements will be held nearer the time. The Year 6 residential trip is at beginning of the year to allow children to bond with their new teacher ready for the remainder of Year 6. It is also an opportunity for teachers to identify different strengths in children that we can build on throughout the year. In order to help organise and plan this trip in advance, we would need to get an idea of the numbers of pupils who would like to attend. Therefore, for the visit to take place a payment of £483.00 per child is required. A non-refundable deposit of £65.00 must be paid via School Money in order to secure a place by 6th September 2022. Please email [email protected] if you are having any issues with your School Money account. The full cost must be paid by monthly instalments via School Money by 10th July 2023, although we would appreciate it if payments could be made as early as possible. Cash and cheques will be accepted. Cheques should be made payable to Buckinghamshire Council Receipts Account. If you receive Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance or Child Tax Credit (not entitled to Working Tax Credit and with an income below £16040pa) please feel free to contact us if there are any difficulties involving the cost. Only a limited number of places are available and we ask that deposits are made no later than 6th September 2022 to avoid disappointment. Payments: £483 total Non-refundable Deposit of £65 by 06/09/2022 11 regular monthly payments of £38 starting on 10/9/22 until 10/7/23 via School Money to secure my child’s place on the trip Yours sincerely, Mr P Clifford This Week In School…
Year 3 – have developed their knowledge of time by converting from the 12-hour clock to 24-hour clock. They have also discussed duration and used that to work out word problems. In English, they have used their understanding of adverbs, verbs and adjectives to create a poem all about their dream summer. They were really creative with their ideas from playing video games to meeting the Queen. In Art, they were introduced to art from Tobago and used the colours and ideas to create their own piece of artwork using watercolours. They developed their sketching skills and how to use a pencil differently to gain different outcomes. In P.S.H.E, they looked ahead to next year and write a letter to their new teacher. Year 3 have done so well this year and we are sure that they will continue to thrive as they enter year 4. They have some very lucky teachers next year. Year 4 – have been working extremely hard in the hot weather. They have been thinking about next year and writing a letter to their new teachers. They shared excitement and worries with their new teacher, and some even included humour. In Maths, Year 4 have been recapping all the different shapes they have learnt and practising how to plot them on a grid using coordinates. In DT, the children have been rehearsing a cooking show, building on their Oracy skills. They have performed these amazingly and cooked up a storm in the classrooms. They all appeared to enjoy the tomato pasta that they had made. Year 5 – have been busy writing a narrative based on a video 'The Black Hole'. They have been trying to include as many language features as they can, thinking about if they are placed in the most appropriate place. In Maths, they have been comparing volume and estimating capacity and volume. When making estimates with volume they have focused their attention on being mathematical. They have used layering and multiplication to make their estimates. They have started our DT topic about bread. They have looked at the history of bread, evaluated bread by tasting a variety and designed their flat bread ready to make next week. Year 6 – have excelled themselves with some brilliant performances in our production, Splurged. We are so proud of them - under very hot conditions they all gave excellent performances: they were clear; loud; remembered their lines (most of their lines anyway!); acted and sang well. We couldn't have asked more of them. Away from the production, the children have been preparing for their Leavers' Assembly and finishing any topic work that needed completing. Dear Parents/ Guardians,
Next week is going to be extremely hot! To help keep the children safe we would encourage children to wear non-uniform to enable them to wear loose, light coloured clothing that will help keep them as cool as possible. Appropriate clothing must be worn in school, for example no crop tops! On Monday the weather is going to gradually get very warm by the afternoon. To help keep the children safe we are going to close the school at 1pm. Please note if you are unable to collect your child at this time please email [email protected] this afternoon and we will make arrangements to look after them until 3.15pm on Monday. This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been very creative! In English, they have designed their own plant using their Scientific knowledge. They explained their plant through a non-chronological report with a focus on the use of subheadings. In Maths, they have continued their understanding of fractions, looking at ordering fractions with different denominators and numerators. They completed their Science topic about plants by researching a specific crop type and presenting it to the rest of the class. In PSHE, they developed their understanding of stereotypes and had some great discussions around this topic. On Wednesday, everyone enjoyed being creative and interacting with different year groups. The children were able to try a range of different creative activities. Year 4 – have written a non-chronological report in spirit of the NHS' birthday on the 5th of July. They have learnt about the amazing work the NHS do, from life saving surgeries, fund raising and even the future of surgery performing robots! In Maths, they have been learning about shapes and the different properties of them including quadrilaterals and triangles. They have also started to plan their very own cooking show, complete with a seasonal pasta dish. They were also very excited to find out who their teachers for next year would be and what their classes would be called. Year 5 – have been practising their news broadcasts about natural disasters in Asia. When performing, they really focused on the fluency of their speech and how they engaged the audience. They have been converting time and completed their work about imperial and metric measurements. All the children visited their new class teacher and went to their new classrooms for an afternoon on Tuesday. All enjoyed the Day to Create, especially spending time with children from different classes and year groups. Year 6 – have had a very busy week this week! Most of the time in school has been spent in final rehearsals for their production which has a final name of 'Splurged'. All the children have been working hard to get the scenes correct and fine-tune songs and dances. The children also had the opportunity to visit their new secondary schools on Tuesday and spend the day there. They came back with positive reports and stories of new friends they have already made. On Wednesday, Year 6 mixed with Year 4 for our Day to Create and the children had a great day being creative in lots of different ways. This year’s Summer Reading Challenge is all about science and innovation!
The six fictional characters, Gadgeteers, that love creating new inventions and working together to solve problems. They spend their days using their curiosity, creativity and innovation to come up with lots of awesome inventions.
. Tickets for next week's Y6 production are now available!
Show times are
We will let parents know if there are any spare tickets that are available the day before each performance. In order to keep capacity low and performers heard, please do not bring young children. The IVJS school will have their own advanced preview performance on Monday 11th July. This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been learning about equivalent fractions in Maths and finding that their knowledge of times tables has been very helpful. In English, they have been concluding their narrative about 'The King who banned the dark', using some fantastic speech and character descriptions. In Science, they have continued their topic about plants, looking at the growth of the seeds they placed in different conditions and writing about the role bees play in pollination. In French, they have been learning the months of the year and continuing to use vocabulary to talk about the days of the week. During PE, the children have been using their Maths skills to add and multiply points for in their team games. Year 4 – have worked really hard on their assessments in Maths and English and they should be very proud of how hard they have worked! They started their week facing a turbulent time in English; Noah Barleywater (Alexander) was in court pleading his innocence for stealing apples from Mr Appletree. Year 4 rose to the challenge and each took to their roles in the trials. Unfortunately for the prosecution, their hard evidence and eye witness reports weren't enough to convince the jury that Noah was guilty. Noah was found not guilty and he celebrated with a victory lap of the courtroom! For the rest of the week, they have been working in groups to script and perform their own news reports for IVJS News. We might just have the future of journalism in our classrooms! In Maths, they have begun looking at angles and have been comparing and identifying them. In Humanities, they have been looking at the Roman invasion of Britain and how this tiny island tried to withstand the force of the Roman Empire. Year 5 – have begun the week completing end of year assessments and all the children tried their best. They have used a Newsround broadcast this week to identify the features of a verbal presentation. They have looked at the type of language used, the structure of the broadcast as well as which words to emphasis. In Maths, they have been converting metric units (mm, cm and m) and gained an understanding of imperial units (inches and feet). They have also started a new science topic, animals including humans. They have created a timeline of the human lifecycle and a poster on the myths and facts of old age. Year 6 – have spent much of this week continuing to rehearse their production; costumes are gradually being sorted, props are being made, songs and dances are being fine-tuned and things are starting to fall into place! In the classroom, the children have continued with their maths project about a bakery and have been using their skills linked to ratio and proportion and money problems. They have also been continuing with their science topic and have been finding out how diet and exercise impact on the human body. The children are coming to the end of their humanities topic and have been looking at the decline of the Maya civilisation. |
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February 2025