![]() This Week In School… Year 3 – have begun to write descriptive poems about The Tin Forest. They have learnt about features of poetry such as similes, metaphors and alliteration. In Maths, they have begun to learn the column method for subtraction. Year 3 have been practising exchanging hundreds, tens and ones. Year 4 - have been busy designing a robot made from recycled materials. They have then begun to write instructions on how to make their robots. In Maths, they tackled negative numbers and worked hard to remember the different Roman numerals and use them to crack a secret code. They have looked at the landscapes of Africa and the affect that deforestation has on the country. To end the week, they have made their own cereal box packaging. Year 5 – have learnt how to use speech marks correctly so that they'll be able to use them in their narrative writing about 'The Journey'. In Maths, they have been learning how to use Roman numerals and have completed some word problems relating to place value. Year 5 have also continued to work on sewing their designs onto book-marks as part of their DT topic. They have also carried out an investigation to test which material would be the best to use as an inside liner for a lunch box in Science. Year 6 – have been writing a persuasive letter in character which is linked to our book, Floodland. We are really enjoying reading the book and finding out more about the characters involved. The children have been re-visiting addition and subtraction in Maths and in Art this week, they have studied the artists Frida Kahlo and Joaquin Torres Garcia. During Art, they produced some great monkeys out of clay and picture puzzles using symbols. Dear Parents,
This week, lower school children have taken home a reading book and reading record. Upper school children will be taking home a book next week. The reading book is to be read at home during the week and returned to school on Fridays if your child has finished reading it. Please keep the purple reading record at home and record your child's reading in it and then return it to us, with their homework book, in the last week of the half term. In order to prevent the spread of any germs, when your child returns their book on a Friday morning, it will be 'quarantined' for 72 hours before being returned to the book box. On a Monday afternoon, your child will be able to select a new book to read at home for the week. Children will not have a school reading book to read over the weekend but we encourage you to read books you have at home and record it in their purple reading record. If your child has not finished their book by Friday, they may keep it for another week. However, they will not be able to choose a new book until they have returned their old book. Your child will also have a reading book in school that they will read to adults in school regularly. If you have any questions or concerns, please email your child's class teacher directly. Yours sincerely, Miss Digweed Dear Parents,
As usual, in September we have lots of colds and sore throats spreading through the school. It is obviously very difficult to distinguish between symptoms of a cold and COVID - 19. The current guidance from the government (see link below) is that anyone with symptoms of COVID – 19 should isolate for at least 10 days and be tested. The symptoms of COVID-19 are: High temperature, new and persistent dry cough or loss of sense of smell and taste. You only need to display one of these symptoms to be tested. If your child displays any one of the symptoms, then please keep your child at home and book a test. If a member of your household tests positive, then everyone in the household needs to isolate for 14 days. Latest Government Guidance: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-stay-at-home-guidance/stay-at-home-guidance-for-households-with-possible-coronavirus-covid-19-infection Dear Parents/ Guardians,
We have had an amazing start to the school year, with all the children settling into the routines very quickly. As you already are aware, the children stay in their class bubble for most of the day - except at break and lunchtimes when they are allowed to mix as a year group. This has been a great success as the children have so much space on the playground! Start Times: All of the new routines are working really well apart from one – the staggered start and finish times. These seem to be causing confusion and mean that siblings have to start earlier than the rest of their class. We would like to change them slightly so that more children start at the same time. From Monday14th September the new start times will be: Years 3 and 6 = 8.40am Years 4 and 5 = 8.50am. The school gates will not be opened until 8.40am so please avoid sending your child early. Children will not be supervised by school staff until 8.40am. Breakfast Club We are going to restart the breakfast club from Monday 14th September 2020! To reduce the number of children mixing we are going to keep the children in their year group bubbles for breakfast club.
Finish Times From Monday 14th September we will be changing our finish times slightly to make the end of the day smoother and quicker. Year 3 and 6 = 3.10pm Years 4 and 5 = 3.20pm After School Child Care Our after-school club will continue to run until 4.30pm. Places must be booked in advance and paid for; each session is £3.50. We hope that these changes will make things easier for everyone and we will continue to review the start and finish times regularly. Dear Parents,
It is so lovely to see everyone return to school! Hearing the children playing, laughing and talking in school is an absolute pleasure and it has been wonderful to catch up with them today. There are just a couple of points that we really need your help with. Firstly, please don’t block the path outside the school. We know that it is hard and that you are keen to wave your child off but please come in and stand on the grass. Once your child has gone into school please leave so that there is space for the next group of parents. Secondly, please try to stick to the staggered start time. Each year group has been allocated a start time so that we don’t have too many parents and children arriving at the same time. There is no need for you to be early! Thank you for all your support so far. We have been very touched by how caring you have been towards us and really appreciate all the support you have given us. Stay safe, Miss Digweed |
School NewsThis is where we'll post all school news and updates. If you require paper copies of any information on our website then please contact Miss Lainsbury in our school reception. Archives
February 2025