This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been working incredibly hard. They have made all of the staff proud with their achievements in their end-of-year assessments. It is wonderful to see the progress they have made this year. In English, they have been planning and starting to write instructions about mummification, linking with their Humanities topic about Ancient Egypt. In Maths, they have been looking at the properties of 3D shapes. During PE lessons, they have been practising their races ready for sports day and are very excited about winning points for their house teams. In RE, they have been looking at Hindu festivals including Holi and Diwali. They made paper lanterns to remind them that Diwali is the festival of light. Year 4 – have been very busy completing their end of year assessments. We are very proud of how hard they have worked this week! In English, they have been writing character descriptions of the mysterious Abdul Kazam from their class text. In Maths they have been exploring coordinates and plotting them on a grid. In PSHE, they discussed what changes they have been through and offered suggestions for how they could deal with them. Both classes got to take part in their 96% Attendance Challenge and enjoyed a lovely afternoon watching a movie. Year 5 – have worked extremely hard on their assessments this week and should be really proud of what they have achieved. We have been so impressed by their perseverance and determination despite some of the assessments being particularly tricky. In addition, they have continued to explore the class text, focusing on the illustrations used and how they link to the emotions of the book. The children have discussed how this book makes them feel, considering what it would be like to leave everything behind, if they were a refugee. In English, the children have used some amazing vocabulary to describe the terrifying sea creature, The Kraken. Their descriptions have been spooky and detailed, included some great expanded noun phrases to describe how The Kraken devours its victims. Finally, in PE, they have been preparing for sports day, taking part in different races and activities to improve their skills and techniques ready for the big day! Year 6 – have been busy rehearsing for their end of year production, they impressed us by going script free and remembering their lines! They are doing a fantastic job and it is all coming together beautifully. In Maths, they have continued to work on their bakery project and have worked especially hard on their problem-solving skills. During PE, Year 6 have been practising their athletic skills in preparation for Sports Day! In Humanities, Year 6 have continued to learn about crime and punishment during the Medieval and Tudor Period up to the early modern period. The Teacher's Strike called for next week will be taking place on Wednesday 5th and Friday 7th July. As before, most classes will be affected, please see the list below of which classes will be closed.
Wednesday 5th: Open - Cairo, Cardiff, Wellington and Warsaw Closed - London, Lisbon, Paris, Prague and Washington Friday 7th: Open - Cairo and Warsaw Closed - Cardiff, London, Lisbon, Paris, Prague, Washington and Wellington This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been using their knowledge of fairy tales to create their very own version of one! They have used their success criteria to add depth to their characters and have developed interesting and creative plots for them. In Maths, they have looked at different lines including parallel, perpendicular, horizontal and vertical. In Humanities, they have been investigating the process of mummification. They learnt about what happens to the organs and the equipment needed in each step. In PSHE, they have been talking about the different milestones that children pass within their life and the milestones yet to come. In PE, they have been practising for sports day and are very excited to show everyone what they can achieve! Year 4 – have written some incredibly descriptive dream playgrounds. Playgrounds that included lazy chocolate rivers, Olympic sized swimming pools and petting zoos! In Maths, they have completed their statistics topic, they have interpreted data from bar graphs and pictograms, compared data and learnt how to draw a line graph and interpret the data. In Science, they learnt about the different diets of animals and sorted different animals based on their diets into herbivore, omnivore and carnivore. In DT, the teachers discovered that Year 4 have some budding product designers amongst them as they designed their own cereal packaging. In PE, they have started practising for next week's sports day - they can't wait! Year 5 – have continued their work on decimals, dividing decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000. They have also begun discussing the difference between positive and negative numbers and have completed varying sequences using negative numbers. In English, the children have performed and recorded their news broadcasts about the crisis in Ukraine. They have really impressed us with the quality of their scripts, enthusiasm and presenting skills. The children also had the opportunity to edit and perfect their broadcasts on iMovie, adding great sound effects and pictures. In Science this week, they have discussed how scientists use data to represent their findings and have produced their own line graphs to show the average height of infants in their first 12 months of life. In Humanities, the focus this week was on the impact of traffic pollution on air quality. To explore this, the children conducted their own traffic survey of the traffic that passes the school, and compared this to other cities and towns in China. Year 6 – have finished writing their version of the ‘Three Little Pigs’ and have enjoyed publishing these. In Maths, they have continued to work on their bakery project and have been busy looking at nets of 3D shapes. They also designed and made packaging to store cupcakes which they will be making in the coming weeks. In Humanities, Year 6 have continued to learn about crime and punishment and this week they discovered that during the Anglo-Saxon and Viking period crimes were punished by trial by ordeal; they are very glad to be living in these times and not to suffer such torturous punishment! Rehearsals continue for the end of year production and the children are impressing us with their amazing singing voices. They are becoming more and more familiar with their characters and we are hoping to go script free next week! Dear Parents/Guardians,
Y5 - Exploring Our Local Area - Iver I am writing to inform you of an upcoming Local Area Activity that will provide your child with the opportunity to explore their local village of Iver for their Humanities project. The activity is scheduled for Tuesday, 27th June 2023, and will inform their subsequent lesson. The main objective of the Local Area Activity is to enable students to observe the buildings and structures in Iver, and we will therefore be walking as a class to the local church, before walking back to school. We will pause at any sites that may be of interest and record any details as we go. This Local Area Activity will take place within their normal Humanities lesson; therefore, they can arrive at their normal time. In order to ensure that the activity runs smoothly, please ensure that your child wears full and correct uniform and appropriate footwear for a short walk through the village. Please confirm below whether you would be happy for your child to participate in this activity. A paper copy of this letter has been sent home with Year 5 pupils so please either return the paper copy of the form or email [email protected] with written permission. Should you have any questions or concerns about the activity, please do not hesitate to contact the school. Yours sincerely, Miss Marshall & Miss Fletcher (Year 5 Teachers) This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been learning about turns and angles in Maths this week. They have been searching for right angles around the school using their right-angle monsters! In English they have been writing a letter raising their concerns about behaviour and bullying after watching a video clip called 'On the wire'. They have been very persuasive with their arguments. In Humanities, they have been continuing their learning about Ancient Egypt including researching different Egyptian gods and goddesses. They found out about how they were an important part of Egyptian life and that there were over 2000 different gods. They enjoyed a Zoom call with Farmer Nicola on Tuesday. She showed the children how high up some of her farm land is, giving some fantastic views. Nicola demonstrated how she checks if there is enough heather growing on different parts of the farmland to ensure there is enough food for the sheep to eat in the coming months. Year 4 – have finished writing their persuasive letters, trying to persuade circuses to stop using animals in them. In Maths, they have finished their shape topic by learning about triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons and symmetry. In Science, they started learning how to write a classification key using questions to help them sort animals. They have also been on a minibeast hunt! In DT they have begun their new topic, looking at packaging and how they are made from nets. In Humanities, they have looked at the invasion of Britain by the Romans. Year 5 – have been working hard to remain focused despite the heat and have impressed us with their continued efforts on decimals. They have applied their knowledge to sequences, addition and subtraction problems and even some more complex word problems. In English, the children have made good progress with their news broadcast scripts, and are beginning to think about how they will perform/present them next week. In Humanities, they have delved deeper into their local study, considering the different physical landscapes in Iver. During Science, they have started their new topic and focused on the human timeline. We have been really impressed by how the children have made their own detailed timelines of the key stages of development. Year 6 – have been visited by volunteers from different workplaces in order to connect them to the future world of work. The Primary Futures workplace volunteers enjoyed talking to Year 6 and commented on how fantastic and welcoming the children were. In English, Year 6 have finished writing their narrative based on the Three Little Pigs. They have impressed us with their imaginative stories from the perspective of the wolf. In Maths, Year 6 have continued to work on their bakery projects and are enjoying working as teams solving mathematical problems. In Humanities, children are enjoying the topic: Crime and Punishment from the Roman era to the 21st century. This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been continuing to learn about time in Maths. They have been working out durations of time and have completed some timed challenges. In English, they have been focusing on describing a setting and including ambitious vocabulary in their writing. In Humanities, they have had an exciting start to their new topic about Ancient Egypt. They stepped back in time using the 'Now Press Play' audio experience and also had to search for Egyptian artefacts using their orienteering skills. In Music, they learnt a new song about a Panda and enjoyed finding the rhythm and improvising using glockenspiels. Year 4 – have begun their last class text of the year, 'Leon and the Place Between'. Both classes have been teased by the blurb and the mystery of visiting a circus and seeing a magic show. In their writing, they have started penning a letter to the President of the United States addressing their concerns about animals being still being used in circuses. They have been very passionate about their reasons why this should stop. In Maths, they have worked really hard on their times tables and begun their shape module by looking at angles. They have correctly identified direction and size of turns and labelled different types of angles. In Humanities they started their Roman Britain topic by learning about the Roman army. After identifying the different parts of a soldier’s uniform, they grabbed a shield and marched to the hall/outside and practised some of the tricky Roman soldier manoeuvres, including the tortoise, the wedge and the orb. In DT they started looking at different types of packaging as part of their new design project and in PE, they have loved being outside in the warm weather taking part in athletics and rounders. Year 5 – have worked hard to settle back into school routines for their final term of the year. In Maths, they have begun the new topic of decimals, focusing on how to add and subtract decimals with varying numbers of decimal places. During English, year 5 have divided into researching the war between Russia and Ukraine to inform the news broadcast plan that the children will be writing scripts for next week. They have understood the difference between a refugee and an asylum seeker and are beginning to piece together a timeline of events. In Guided Reading, the children have explored their new class text, making excellent and imaginative predictions about the rest of the book. Finally, year 5 have started to investigate our local area as part of their work in Humanities, thinking about the location of Iver and the different counties in the UK. Year 6 – have settled back nicely after the half term and have begun rehearsals for their end of year production. They are proving to be fantastic actors and we are sure they will put on an amazing performance! In English, Year 6 are thoroughly enjoying writing an alternative narrative based on the traditional tale of 'The 3 Little Pigs'. They are writing from the perspective of the wolf and they are putting forward very convincing reasons as to why he ate the pigs and blew their houses down! In Maths, Year 6 have continued working on their bakery projects and solving problems involving profit and loss. This term, Year 6 are practising athletics in PE and this week they have started to compete in 25m races. Well done to Jake in Y3 who has written this wonderful piece of work this week:
"In a deep, dark forest there was a beautiful shimmering lake. The night was as black as black can be with awfully bright constallations lighting the sky. The water rippled as a head appeared slowly from the deep, gloomy water. In the wood ahead, a boy was toasting marshmallows on a fire. The burning hot, red and crackling fire could be seen from the calm water. The huge, horrific creature reared up on it’s back legs and walked towards the boy. A twig snapped. The boy had thought he was alone up until now. He turned around and looked at the creature. It roared. He screamed. The boy poised his marshmallow sword. The creature’s tounge lolled out. It had a soppy look in it’s eyes. It looked at the marshmallow and whined. “Do you want this?” said the boy taking the marshmallow off the stick. The creature stuck out it’s long tounge and licked it up. The monster didn’t know the boy’s language but it could write. It writes a note saying it is female and it’s having babies. The boy calls his dad, asking for forty more bags of marshmallows. His dad comes with exactly forty bags of marshmallows. “What on earth do you need forty bags of marshmallows for?” The boy grinned. “You’ll see” And with that he whisteled and the creature and four baby creatures appeared." Buckinghamshire Council have created a presentation for our Year 5 parents regarding September's 11+ exams and more information regarding selecting secondary schools/dates and deadlines. Please click on the image below to download the presentation video. |
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September 2024