Dear Parents/Guardians, It is the end of term and the sun is shining! I hope that you are able to have a good summer even if it is slightly different to what you had envisaged. When we return in September there will be new systems in place to keep everyone safe. Start of Term Our new Year 3 children will start on Wednesday 2nd September. All other year groups will start on Thursday 3rd September. Start and Finish Times Each year group will have a separate start and finish time. If you have children in more than one-year group, you will need to drop off at the earliest start time and collect at the latest finish time. Please could parents remember not to congregate at the school gates; we need the path to be kept as clear as possible so that people can social distance.
Parents will need to drop off and collect their children from the grass area at the front of the school. Parents will not be allowed any further onto the school site. Where possible please encourage your child to walk to school, even if it is just from the Rec. The less people we have near the school gates the better! When children arrive in the morning they will be met at the front of the school by their class teacher. I feel one of the successes of our school is that we make sure staff are available to speak to parents whenever you need us. With the new arrangements we are not going to be able to have as many face to face conversations so please call us to talk whenever you need to. We still want to work in partnership even if we can’t see you as much! Wrap Around Care At the start of term, we will not be running breakfast club or our Bluebells club. We know that some parents need us for child care and we hope that we will be able to provide more as the term progresses. However, at this time our priority is to keep everyone safe by not mixing our class bubbles where it can be avoided. If parents have no other childcare options, then children can be dropped off from 8.15am and go straight to their classroom. After school we can provide child care until 4.30pm and this will be in each class. This service will be available from Monday 7th September. As this will potentially need more staff to look after the children across the school the cost will be £3.50 for the hour after school. Child care must be booked and paid for in advance (at least 1 week before) so that we can ensure we have the correct number of staff. Please remember this is only for parents who do not have any other option for child care. To book a place please complete this form. Equipment All stationery will be provided for the children as we want to limit the amount of things coming in and out of school. Children will just need to bring a water bottle and a lunchbox (if required). For PE we are asking children to come in their PE kits on the days that they have PE. PE kit: White T-shirt (no logos), Black shorts or black jogging bottoms (no logos)
The School Office
Usually Mrs Goggin is available for parents to pop in and see before and after school (she always knows the answer!). However, as parents are not going to be able to enter the school building the best way to contact the office is by email: [email protected] School Shoes V Trainers During the Autumn term we are happy for children to wear black trainers instead of school shoes if they would like to. These need to be plain, without any logos and children need to remember the trainers should not be a fashion statement! We want the children to be as active as possible and so need them to be wearing footwear that is practical and allows them to be active. Summer Holidays During the school holidays staff will be working in school on a few days during August. If you need anything, or have any questions, please email and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Have a fantastic summer and see you in September! Yours sincerely, J Digweed Unfortunately, we were not able to have our usual Sports Day this year but that didn’t stop us! This year, Sports Day had a new look, with pupils in school competing in their bubbles against our pupils at home. The Sports Day was designed to be as close as possible, so we added a handicap system to give those in younger bubbles a chance to catch up with the ones in older bubbles (and even the parents!).
The top five highest scoring bubbles overall were: 1st – Mr Hawkes & Miss Bjorck’s Bubble – 35 Points 2nd – The Home Bubble – 33 Points 2nd – Mrs Bowden’s & Miss Fletcher’s Bubble – 33 Points 4th – Miss James’ & Mr Matthams’ Bubble – 29 Points 5th – Miss Short’s Bubble – 25 Points We would like to thank every child at school who has worked hard at beating their score during the sports week. We would also like to thank all children, parents and grandparents at home who have participated in Sports week this year. We had over 40 separate entries from our home bubble, which is incredible! We would like to wish you a happy and a safe summer holiday as we come to the end of this academic year.
We are saying goodbye to Miss Meikle and Mr Openshaw today as they are both heading off to start their teacher training. Congratulations to both of them, we know they will go on to be wonderful teachers! We will be welcoming Mrs Chalk as a teacher in Morpurgo Class (Year 5) who will be job sharing with Miss James. Although this has been an incredibly challenging year for pupils, parents and staff alike, again, we are very grateful to have such wonderful parents supporting us. Information about the new systems for September will be sent out to you next week. Have a great weekend! The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many events to be cancelled or postponed. Among the most prominent events to be affected at school will be the upcoming Year 6 PGL trip which is due to take place in October 2020. Following lengthy discussions with PGL, a decision has been made to move the Year 6 PGL trip to a new date: 1st – 5th March 2021.
We would like to reassure you that this decision has not been made lightly and a number of reasons contributed to it being made. We are hopeful that things will be more settled at the beginning of March giving parents and children greater peace of mind. If any child's place is cancelled at this time, PGL are enforcing their full terms and conditions and withholding £110 deposit per place. Please be aware, any final balances outstanding must be paid by the end of October. Kindest regards, Miss Digweed and Mrs Poole As the school year speeds towards the end there is a sense of excitement as we start to plan for September.
The government issued guidelines last week for the full reopening of schools in September and we have been working on a plan. We can’t wait to welcome everyone back to IVJS and see all of you again! I hate to use the phrase, but we need to get use to a ‘new normal’ in school. School will be different and as such we need you to start to prepare your children for their return. We also need you to be aware that arrangements may change and that we need you to be ready to adapt and accept changes quickly. As we start to make plans for September we will keep you updated. Below I have listed some of the key arrangements for September and more will be sent out next week. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch and we will do our best to help.
The new Y3 children will start on Wednesday 2nd September. All other years will start on Thursday 3rd September. More information will be sent out about September next week. Hopefully, the sun will shine for us this weekend and we will get a chance to enjoy the weekend. Stay safe. Please see the video below for the latest guidance from Buckinghamshire council regarding the 2020 11+ exams. The last few months have been very difficult and we know that you might be feeling unsure about September.
At IVJS we have an excellent staff who are going to make sure that all of your child’s needs are catered for when they return in September. We know that the start of the new school year is going to be difficult for some children and we are currently changing our curriculum plans to ensure that all children’s needs are met. There will be a focus on wellbeing when we return and we will be planning lots of activities outside. Your class teacher will be having ‘handover’ meetings with your child’s new teacher during the next few weeks to make sure that there is a smooth transition to their new class. If there is any information about how your child has been during lockdown, that you think would be useful for us to know, please email your current class teacher so that they can pass it on to the new teacher. It is going to be a very different start to the school year and we will do everything we can to look after your child and ensure that they get back to enjoying school as quickly as possible There are a couple of points about the next school year that we are still trying to work out. Firstly, is there a way we can have some sort of transition so that children can say goodbye to their old teacher and meet their new teacher. This may be possible with a staggered start back to school which would mean not all children would start back at the same time. Please keep this in mind when you are thinking about child care and work arrangements for the first two weeks of September. Secondly, clubs are also causing us some worries. If we are keeping the children in class bubbles all day to limit the spread of any germs, then mixing the children in a club seems to make no sense. However, we know that many of you use our breakfast and after school clubs for child care so that you are able to work and so, we are waiting to get further advice on this as at the moment there are mixed messages. Please be prepared for clubs not to start straight away at the beginning of term. Please remember that school life will be different in September and in the next couple of weeks we will send out more details once we have had time to digest the guidance from the government. It is important to remember, that just like you, the staff have also had personal challenges during the pandemic. We are very excited to get everyone back into school but we know that there will still be challenges ahead. By working together, we can get through this! Classes for September: Dear Parents / Guardians,
On the week beginning Monday 13th July, all IVJS children will be taking part in a new look Sports Day! Pupils will be able to compete, whether they are at school or at home. We are planning to do five simple stations which involve limited equipment (details on the next page). Children in school will compete in their bubbles forming separate teams. Children competing at home will be counted as one big team! There will be no winning house this year but a winning ‘team’. If you will be competing in Sports Day from home, please send your best score for each event to [email protected] by 3pm on Thursday 16th July. It would be amazing if we could get multiple scores from home for each event (parents, siblings etc.), alongside pictures and videos of you competing! Best Wishes, |
School NewsThis is where we'll post all school news and updates. If you require paper copies of any information on our website then please contact Miss Lainsbury in our school reception. Archives
February 2025