![]() This Week In School… Year 3 – have started their new history topic, The Victorians. They have worked in groups to create timelines of key events in the Victorian era. In Maths, they have been learning to place fractions on a number line while in English, they have been beginning to write their own stories about the Heavenly Elephant! Year 4 – have started reading their new Power of Reading book, Noah Barleywater Runs Away. In English, they sent Noah to trial for the crime he committed in the book (they found him GUILTY!). In Maths, they have been using their multiplication knowledge to solve scaling problems and find connections between times tables. In History, they travelled back to Ancient Egypt to begin their Egyptian project. Year 5 – have started to read their new book - 'Cosmic'. Children are very excited about the topic 'Space' and are currently researching the different planets and planning a leaflet about visiting 'EPCOT' in America. In Maths, children have been consolidating their understanding of mixed and improper fractions. Year 6 – have spent some time going over the tests they completed the week before half term, in order to address any misconceptions. In English, the children have started work on a newspaper report linked to our book, Rooftoppers, which they are continuing to read. They have started a new topic in Humanities - The History of Crime and Punishment - and have enjoyed finding out about crime and punishment during the Roman period. ![]() All children will be taking part in the Inter-House Mile on Thursday 26th March, this will involve all children and staff walking, jogging or running a mile during the school day. This is also an Interhouse event so children will be competing to earn house points for their house. IVJS are also making this a sponsored event in the hope of raising some money to help towards the cost of transport to future tournaments and other sporting events. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all their support with our previous sporting events and look forward to this next Interhouse event. We have sent children home with the sponsorship form, we would be very grateful if your children can get as many sponsors as possible. Yours sincerely, Mr Hawkes ![]() This Week In School… Year 3 – have written a message in a bottle using the Oliver and the Seawigs book and it’s characters. In Maths, they have been revising addition and subtraction methods. They have also worked hard in Art to complete a fantastic Monet display using all their artwork this term. Year 4 – have been writing a narrative poem about Arthur's journey to Asgard in English. In Maths, they have been focusing on decimals, transferring their skills and applying their knowledge to money based word problems. In Humanities, they had a great time cooking and eating a Moroccan Harira soup! Meanwhile, in Science, they have been learning all about the water cycle and producing a piece of cross-curricular writing in the form of a diary entry. Year 5 – have been learning about the link between fractions and decimal numbers in Maths. In History, they have been creating a leaflet about everything they have learnt in their Ancient Greeks topic. In English, they have been creating a newspaper report on Usain Bolt’s Career and how AJ ran at the Olympic stadium. Year 6 – have been working really hard during their mock SATs week to apply the skills that they have learnt over the past term. Well done everyone for showing such hard work and determination – you were amazing! ![]() In order to enhance their learning this term, we have arranged for Rosen and Rowling classes to take part in a visit to Denham Country Park on Tuesday, 24th March. The visit will include a walk around the park and some supervised science activities in the river. The coach will depart school at 9.20am and will return by 3.15pm. Further details will be given nearer the time. We are asking for a voluntary contribution of £14.00 to cover the cost of the visit and the coach to and from Denham Country Park. Unfortunately, the trip will not be able to go ahead without enough contributions. Children will be river dipping so it is really essential that they have wellington boots that come up to the knee for this trip. If you do not have these, they are available to purchase from very reasonable prices, approx. £5 - £10, from a variety of retailers. Some additional adult support may be required on this trip and we would be grateful if you could also indicate on the return slip if you would be willing to help supervise a small group of children on the day. If your help is required, we will let you know as soon as possible. Yours sincerely, Miss Bjorck and Mrs Bowden Safer Internet Day is designed to empower young people to take control of their digital lives. For 2020 the focus has been put on "online identity" and asking young people to consider whether they and their peers are truly free to be themselves online.
On the day we had a whole school assembly, taught specially designed computing lessons and our wonderful E-Safety Ambassadors read the story '#Goldilocks' by Tony Ross to all classes. ![]() This Week In School… Year 3 – have been busy learning all about angles and turns. In English, they continued and completed their instructions on how to make a dazzling seawig. Year 4 – have started planning a narrative poem based on their Power of Reading text, Arthur and the Golden Rope. In Maths, they have been dividing 1 and 2 digit numbers by 10,100 and 1000 as well as rounding decimal numbers to the nearest whole number. In science, they’ve been experimenting with the different states of matter of water. Year 5 – have been writing newspaper reports about AJ going to the Olympics in English. They have also been multiplying mixed number fractions and converting fractions into decimals in Maths. Year 6 – have completed this half term's Humanities topic by looking at the different time zones across North America and comparing them to the rest of the world; they worked hard on some tricky maths questions linked to this. In Science the children have been investigating reflective surfaces and they have continued looking at freedom and justice in RE. During English, the children have started writing a persuasive letter as if they were one of the characters in our book, 'Rooftoppers'. ![]() We are excited to have the opportunity to cook this term as part of our Humanities topic ‘Africa’. This term we have been studying the different regions of Africa and as part of our learning about Northern Africa we are going to be making a Moroccan harira soup. Your child will be involved in making soup in class and will have the opportunity to taste it in the afternoon. Year 4 will be making Moroccan harira soup using the following ingredients: 1. Vegetable oil 2. Onions 3. Garlic 4. Turmeric 5. Cumin 6. Cinnamon 7. Red chillies 8. Tomato passata 9. Vegetable stock cube 10. Green lentils 11. Carrots 12. Celery 13. Sweet potato Please can you confirm that your child is allowed to take part and has no allergies to the ingredients stated above. If you have any concerns, please discuss them with your child’s class teacher. Yours sincerely, Miss Rowe and Miss Booth ![]() On Wednesday 25th March, our Year 5 classes will be visited by an Education Group to provide a Virtual Reality Space workshop linked to their science topic ‘Space’. During the morning every child in the class will become an astronaut. Virtual Reality will transport them to a place they cannot easily visit. The whole class will simultaneously blast off into space, piloting their research vessels around planets and moons, learning about the solar system. This incredible immersive experience will truly boost learning and inspire our children about the world around them! For further information and a trailer of the workshop please visit: https://www.educationgroup.co.uk/workshops/space-virtual-reality We are asking for a voluntary contribution for the visit of £8.50 to cover the cost of the company and use of the virtual reality headsets. Unfortunately, this experience will not be able to go ahead without enough contributions. Please make payment on the School Money system, should you have any issues with the online payment system, please speak to the school reception. |
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February 2025