This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been writing very imaginative superhero stories in English, focusing on character descriptions and the use of paragraphs. In Maths, they have been very busy learning about the perimeter of shapes. They have begun to look at the work of Monet in Art; exploring the use of colour and light when creating their own paintings in the style of the Impressionists. The children have been talking about their family members in our French lessons and have been developing their basketball skills in PE, ready for house tournaments next week. Year 4 – have written a travel brochure about Iceland. They have really taken to persuasive writing this week. In Maths, they have been completing tricky equivalent fraction problems. In RE, they have written acrostic poems using the word 'inspiration'. In science they have been consolidating all that they have learnt about electricity and have planned an information text that they will work on next week. In humanities, the children of year 4 took a virtual trip to Ghana and explored the tourism there. They explored markets, traditional foods and even discovered a couple of wild animals. Year 5 – have been working on writing an information text about forces. They focused on using their knowledge from their science lessons this half-term and have tried to include parenthesis and synonyms in their writing. In Maths, they have been multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000. Year 5 also finished their last science lesson this week, which focused on friction. They investigated which material would be best to make a brake pad. Everyone enjoyed testing the different materials against the bike wheels. Year 6 – have had a great week and have worked hard in all areas of their learning: In English, they wrote a diary entry in the character of 'Sophie' from the book - Rooftoppers. They included lots of features from their writing success criteria, including: modal verbs and contracted forms. In Maths, Year 6 have been busy working on Algebraic formulae. They enjoyed solving problems and creating their own formulae. Year 6 have also enjoyed learning all about Pablo Picasso and have painted their own Cubism portraits in the style of Picasso. This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been working on their magic potions by creating a set of instructions for their potions. From flight to shapeshifting, their imaginations have run wild! They have used their knowledge of imperative verbs and subordinate clauses to improve their sentences. In Maths, they have continued discussing measurement, however, this week they looked at standard units of measuring capacity including millilitres and litres. They have now come to the end of their light topic, they have discussed how light creates and changes a shadow. In PSHE, they looked at how to make S.M.A.R.T goals and though about what they would like to do when they are older. On Thursday, they were lucky enough to have a visit from Farmer Nicola and her deer! Year 3 asked some really good questions and were really pleased to see Ivy and Steve again. Year 4 – have been very busy writing instructions for the God of Thunder, Thor. Last week, they learnt that Thor had been outsmarted by a giant. Never one to give up, Thor wants to prove his strength. So this week, Year 4 are writing him a set of instructions to help him get stronger, smarter and improve his skills with his trusty hammer. In Maths, Year 4 have been learning all about fractions. They have been identifying unit and non-unit fractions as well as learning about tenths. In Humanities, they have been discovering what Ghana imports and exports as part of their work on trade and economy in Ghana. In Science, they have been learning about electrical appliance safety. Year 5 – have been writing poems in English this week based on their book 'Running On Empty'. They have focused on using rhyming couplets and including expanded noun phrases correctly. In Maths this week, they have learnt about factors, multiples and prime numbers. Everyone enjoyed investigating the prime numbers between 1 and 100. They learnt that using factor pairs can help them find all the factors of a number. They designed and made boats, thinking about water and air resistance in Science. They made the boats out of paper and tried to include some streamlining concepts in their designs. Year 5 all really enjoyed testing them and came up with some great reasoning as to why they did or didn't work well when evaluating the designs. Year 6 – have completed and published their newspaper reports and have moved on to starting diary entries. They are writing in character as Sophie, one of the main characters from the class book, Rooftoppers. In Maths, they have been continuing learning about percentages and have been finding percentages of amounts. The children have started this half term's Science topic all about light and how we see things. In Computing, they continued working in groups to prepare a model for a summer fete, using the spreadsheet skills they have learnt. |
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February 2025