This Week In School…
Year 3 – have had another busy week. In Maths, they have started learning about money of different denominations. They have been learning to add and give change. In English they have been writing character and setting descriptions using 'show not tell' sentences. During their art lessons they have been exploring 'Art through storytelling'. They have been exploring cave paintings and The Bayeux Tapestry as forms of storytelling through the ages. In PE, they have been developing their tennis skills. Year 4 – have been working hard in Maths, comparing, ordering decimals and rounding to the nearest whole. In English, they have finished writing their fact file about Italy and have published an amazing final piece. In Science, they have been investigating and explaining how a habitat provides what a plant needs to survive. In Art, year 4 had fun being photographers for the afternoon, taking pictures of environmental art and finding different textures. In French, the children have been learning how to say different classroom objects in French. Year 5 – have begun writing an information text on rainforests. They have managed to incorporate many success criteria and information. The children have also been working really hard at honing their mathematical skills on angles. They have been classifying, estimating and measuring angles. In Science, they have learnt about asexual reproduction in plants and in Humanities they delved further into Asia learning about its weather and climate. The teachers were also impressed by their sensible contributions to PSHE where they learnt about age limits and responsibilities. In Art, the children explored Chinese artwork and created their own Chinese artworks which were remarkable! It has been a fun week in Year 5! Year 6 – have been starting to write a narrative re-telling the story of 'The Lighthouse', a short film about a lighthouse keeper and the problems he faces on a stormy night. They are particularly focusing on setting and character descriptions and we have been very impressed with the writing we have seen so far. In Maths the children have started their new Geometry topic and are looking at angles. They are continuing their topic on electricity in Science and have been making circuits and checking how to make bulbs brighter or dimmer. This Week In School…
Year 3 – have had a very busy first week back! They have been writing instructions about creating an ice-cream sundae. They sound absolutely delicious! In Maths, they have been learning to add and subtract fractions, building on their knowledge from last term. In PE, they have been enjoying some warmer weather and focusing on their tennis skills. In Humanities, they have been using grid references on maps to find mountain ranges in Europe. They have been comparing heights of mountains and learning about islands, coastal and landlocked countries. Year 4 – have had a great start to the Summer Term. In English, they have planned and started writing their fact file about Italy. In Maths, they have been learning how to make a whole with tenths and hundreds and partitioning decimals. In Science, the children have been excited to start their new topic about habitats, learning what a habitat is and identifying different habitats. In Geography, they have started our new topic about Ghana. They have been using their map skills to locate and compare the size of the United Kingdom and Ghana. Year 5 – have begun writing an information text based on rainforests. They carried out intensive research and were able to collect a lot of information to include in their information text. In Maths, they have applied their skills to read and understand various tables, including timetables. The children have started learning about living things and their habitats and their insights on the subject have been remarkable! In Humanities, the children have begun exploring Asia and learnt all about the countries included in Asia. The children also applied their artistic skills in exploring Indian art and using view finders to replicate Indian artwork - the details they were able to include was amazing! It has been a busy but fun first week back in Year 5! Year 6 – have had a good first week back after the Easter holidays and have worked hard in all areas of their learning. In English, they have been planning and starting to write a narrative based on a short film called 'The Lighthouse'. The children have been looking at writing character and setting descriptions and have made some great suggestions for this descriptive writing. In Maths, Year 6 have been interpreting and constructing pie charts and line graphs, they have used these to solve problems. In Science, the children have begun to study the topic of Electricity and this week they have looked at electrical circuits in preparation to making their own functioning circuits. Dear Parents/Guardians,
Year 5 Science Oxford Trip We are writing to inform you of an upcoming Year 5 trip that will provide your child with the opportunity to visit Science Oxford as part of the science curriculum. This trip is scheduled for Friday 17th May 2024. The main objective of the trip is to explore different working scientifically skills through workshops and different activities, which will support the children’s learning of science at school and deepen their knowledge and understanding. The activities will be led by staff at Science Oxford, assisted by IVJS staff. Pupils will need to arrive at school by 8:30am and they will travel to Science Oxford by coach. They will leave Science Oxford at 2:15pm and should be back at school for collection at 3:15pm. The children will be wearing their school uniform and will need to bring a packed lunch. Please be aware the children will be required to walk for 5-10 minutes from where the coach will drop us off to the centre and may need a coat depending on the weather. The cost of the trip per pupil will be £10, if you are happy to contribute, you can make a payment on your School Money account. Please confirm whether you would be happy for your child to participate in this trip. Paper copies have been sent home with your child so please return the slip or email permission to [email protected]. Should you have any questions or concerns about the trip, please do not hesitate to contact the Year 5 team. Yours sincerely, Miss Fletcher, Miss Marshall and Ms Wick
Dear Parents,
Do you have any spare time and interested in volunteering? We would love to hear from you and how you could best help support our school. We have a few initiatives that would really benefit from the help of parents and if you believe you can volunteer some of your spare time, we would be very happy to hear from you. If you are interested in volunteering please complete the form below and we will be in touch to discuss opportunities with you. Many thanks, Sarah Short Year 6 Teacher Dear Parents/Guardians of Year 6,
We are really excited to be trialling an online learning package called CENTURY ( and their vision is for every teacher and learner to have access to intelligent tools that help them succeed. It is both web and app based and once logged in the AI technology creates a learning path tailored to match the needs of each individual child. It can be accessed online via laptop, tablet or phone. Year 6 have been chosen to trial using CENTURY for their homework over the next 5 weeks because they are getting closer to secondary school and this method of completing homework will set them up for success next year. During this half-term, no homework will be set in books in Year 6 whilst we trial this package. All of the children have their own password and have already gone online - so far they have really enjoyed using it! Please contact Mr Clifford if you feel that you may have difficulty accessing homework online. Paul Clifford Deputy Head Teacher & Attendance Leader The Iver Village Junior School |
School NewsThis is where we'll post all school news and updates. If you require paper copies of any information on our website then please contact Miss Lainsbury in our school reception. Archives
February 2025