This Week In School…
Year 3 – have had a very busy week! They have worked extremely hard on with their English and Maths assessments, demonstrating all they have learnt over the last term. In English they have been writing, using the 'message in a bottle' picture as a prompt. In Maths, they have continued their learning about multiplication and division, focusing on the connection between the two operations. In Science, they have concluded their topic about animals by looking at how muscles work within the human body. They had a Zoom call with Farmer Nicola on Tuesday. She shared how she has to care for the sheep and deer each day, in any weather, including on Christmas Day! She gave them a demonstration about how her tractor is used to distribute the food across the glen to feed the sheep. Year 4 – have worked really hard on their end of term assessments and should be proud of themselves. In English, they have written their next instalment of their travel brochure about Iceland by writing about what you can see on your trip there. They have tried to include fronted adverbials in their writing. In Maths, they have been recapping their written methods of addition and subtraction. In DT, they have planned a seasonal vegetable soup that they will make before the end of term. In computing they discussed and compared the amount of time they spend online and on devices. They have also enjoyed designing some special houses as part of our up and coming collaboration display with Hilton, Locke and King. Keep an eye on the estate agents’ windows for some special houses coming soon! Year 5 – have begun writing a narrative based on a book called the 'Christmasaurus'. The children have worked hard in describing the clumsy, wishful Christmasaurus and the magical North Pole - they have definitely impressed the Year 5 teachers with their ambitious vocabulary. In Maths, the children have been working on subtracting fractions using their knowledge of mixed numbers and improper fractions. They have also begun to explore types of fastenings and stiches in DT and are going to use this knowledge to produce a wonderful creation next week. It has been a fun and industrious week in Year 5! Year 6 – have started a new piece of writing in English. They have watched a video called 'Glued' and will be re-writing the story. So far, the children have started to write setting and character descriptions and we have been very impressed by the figurative language and vocabulary they have been using to write some effective descriptions. In Maths, the children have finished their topic on fractions by focussing on multiplying and dividing fractions. They have continued learning about Brazil in Humanities, this week learning about the different climates in the country and about the extreme weather and natural disasters faced by Brazil. In Computing, the children have been developing their learning about spreadsheets. Comments are closed.
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February 2025