This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been exploring the features of poetry and started to plan their own poems about 'The Tin Forest'. In Maths, they have developed their understanding of subtraction, including exchanging. Year 3 have completed their Science topic on 'Plants' by writing a diary of a seed and enjoying a 'Now Press Play' audio experience! They have also been continuing to learn instructions in French. Year 4 – have been planning an adventure story in English, they are going to tell the story of what happens to a plastic bag once it has been left on the floor in The Gambia. This is based on an event in their class text, 'One Plastic Bag'. In Maths, they have been busy working on their arithmetic and solving addition calculations. They also worked really hard learning the Roman numerals from the numbers 1 - 100. In Art, they have looked at an African art style called, "Tingatinga". They have chosen an animal to draw and paint in this style, testing their creativity! In Science, Year 4 have been contemplating how washing dries. After learning about the process of evaporation they have planned and carried out an experiment testing where a wet towel will dry quicker, inside by the sunny window in Donaldson classroom, inside the warm Dahl classroom or outside? Year 5 – have planned and started writing a Newspaper report based on the story 'The Journey' in English. In Maths, they have looked at estimating answers using rounding and using the inverse operation to check their answers. They have completed their science topic about materials and their properties and have continued with their DT topic, making books marks using the sewing stitches they have learnt. Year 6 – have written a formal letter in English last week and have continued to write an informal letter this week - again writing as a character in our book, Floodland. They have been using some great vocabulary and emotive language. Year 6 have finally finished reading Floodland, which the children really enjoyed. This week, they started working in groups for Maths and Reading, the children have settled into the groups well. In Science, the children have completed their topic on Evolution and Inheritance by researching Charles Darwin and producing a fact file about the famous scientist. In Computing, they have created some games using their coding skills; and in PSHE the children looked at what is needed for a loving relationship, then created some great recipes based on this! Comments are closed.
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February 2025