This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been diving right back into their learning and have started a new class text. The book this term is 'The Boy at the Back of the Class'. The year group have really embraced the text and seem excited about reading the rest. In English, year 3 have started by creating a travel brochure for a country that they have created. They have thought about how to separate out their information into paragraphs for the most effective and persuasive piece of writing. In Maths, they have started to look at fractions. They have been discussing what denominators and numerators are and the relationship between a fraction and a whole number. They have also started their PSHE topic on 'Healthy Me' and have discussed how exercise affects their bodies and the importance of the heart and the lungs. In French, they also looking at something healthy as they have been learning how to say the names of different fruits in French. Year 4 – have had an exciting introduction to their new DT project - Electrical Toys. They began their lesson by learning about toys of the past and then got to spend the afternoon playing with and carrying out a product analysis of some of Miss Rowe's childhood toys (which included Polly Pockets, Action Man and even some old teddies) and some newer toys (Lego, Monopoly and a steady hand game). They all had so much fun exploring and playing together. In English, they are carrying on with the story 'Varjak Paw' and have been planning a newspaper report about the mysterious vanishings that happen throughout the story. In Maths, they have finished learning about perimeter by discovering the perimeter of different regular and irregular polygons. They have also started learning about unit and non-unit fractions. In Humanities, they have started their topic on Ancient Rome and have explored how Rome rose to power. In Science, their lesson this week was met with both disgust and intrigue as they learnt about all of the organs involved in the digestive system! Year 5 – have settled back into school well and have got straight back to their learning. In Maths, they have started their unit on decimals. The children have been thinking about their knowledge of their place value columns and how this can help them write fractions as decimals. In English, the children have been exploring what it would be like to go to Epcot, and have been writing a leaflet to advertise the park and persuade people to go there. In Science, they have started their new topic on space. The children have used clues and facts to determine the order in which the planets can be found in our solar system, and have researched different facts for each of them. Year 6 – have enjoyed writing poems about Spring in IVJS. They have used their senses: sight, sound, touch, smell and taste to be as descriptive as possible. We are now very much looking forward to the arrival of Spring! In Maths, they have been busy solving problems involving fractions and decimals. Year 6 have also thoroughly enjoyed art this week, they have investigated the artwork of Wayne Thiebaud, Yayoi Kusama and Jeff Koon. They will now make their own sculpture inspired by one of the artist's work. Comments are closed.
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February 2025