This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been writing a newspaper article all about the coronation of King Charles III. They have used their own knowledge as well as some research to use factual information in their newspaper article. They have been working to included their grammar focuses in their writing. These included: past tense verbs, speech marks and subordinate clauses. In Maths, Year 3 finished their topic on money by learning how to find change. They have also started their next topic - time. They learnt all about Roman numerals up to 12 to prepare them for when they move onto looking at analogue clocks next week. In Art, they were really creative in designing and executing their final pieces. They chose between the styles of work that they had learnt about the previous week. Year 4 – have had the chance to practise different types of printmaking. They had the chance to try mono printing, relief printing and collagraphy. It was a messy but fun-filled afternoon for all the children and staff involved! In Maths, they have been finishing their work on decimals and have moved on to their new topic this week, money. They will be taking part in a practical money problem-solving lesson next week. In English, they have been writing their own newspaper reports about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. They have been expert reporters, using quotes and creative headlines! In Science, they revised their lessons on habitats and moved on to learning about the dangers of habitats for animals. Year 5 – have been expanding their knowledge of angles in Maths by learning how to calculate angles on a straight line, around a point and within different shapes. In English, they have started a new unit on poetry. The children have explored many different types of poems and their features. They have started planning a rhyming poem about a race linked to our class text 'Running on Empty'. In Humanities, they have been labelling the parts of a volcano and learning about the 'Ring of Fire'. The children were fascinated to find out that 75% of the world's volcanoes are located there! The children have also begun planning their final piece of artwork for this half-term. They have been focusing on Chinese and Indian artwork and the children have created some beautifully intricate designs inspired by Mehndi patterns. Year 6 – have been sitting their SATs - they have started each day really positively, enjoying breakfast together and we have been so impressed with their whole attitude towards the tests. The children have put their best effort into the tests and we are very proud of them. Away from SATs, the children have been enjoying doing some art this week. They have been studying different architects and have produced some work inspired by some of the architects studied. They have also started to learn about one-point perspective. They have started their new book this week, Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver, which the children are enjoying. Comments are closed.
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February 2025