This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been delving into the story of the Iron Man even more. They have been making their own predictions about where the text is heading and have started their own letter to try and get the Iron Man to visit the school. In Maths, there have been using their division and multiplication skills to solve word problems. They have been using bar models to help represent their calculations and have begun to use inverse operations in order to self-check their work. In Science, they have discovered that there is a magnetic field around the entire Earth and have used this field to make a compass to help the elves visiting their classes to find their way home. On Friday, Year 3 were really excited to welcome Farmer Nicola back and had lots of interesting questions for her. They were also really excited to see all of the snow that covered the Scottish Highlands! Year 4 – have taken on the role of being newspaper reporters in English, they have been interviewing the main characters from Leon and the Place Between after Leon vanished during a magic trick he took part in. They then turned their quotes from directed speech into reported speech ready to use in their article writing next week. In Maths, they have been solving multiplication and division problems using the 3 and 6 times tables. In Science, Year 4 have started to consolidate their knowledge of sound by creating a leaflet of interesting information. In DT, they have designed their own brand of cereal and have designed the packaging for them. Next week, they will turn this into an actual box that they can hold. Year 5 – have completed their narrative based on the Cyclops chapter of the book Odysseus. Everyone has really concentrated on producing their very best work by going through their work and taking care with the editing process and when it was published. In Maths, they have continued with work on fractions. They have continued to look at improper and mixed number fractions and how they compare. They have used their understanding of this to identify rules to find unknown terms in a number sequence. Year 5 used bar models to help them understand this. They completed their Science topic on Materials and were excited to conduct an experiment looking at the chemical reaction when we added Mentos to a variety of bottles of Coke. Year 6 – have completed writing their diary entries and have now published them in English. In Maths, they have continued to look at fractions and have been adding, subtracting and multiplying mixed numbers and proper fractions. The children have been busy researching Paralympians in their PSHE lesson which celebrates diversity. They have demonstrated kindness, empathy and understanding of challenges some people face in life. Our mouldy bread in their science investigation is progressing and the children are now able to see a variety of coloured mould on the bread! In Humanities, the children have continued to study aspects of Brazil and have been learning about the Amazon Rainforest and urbanisation. Comments are closed.
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February 2025