This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been writing a newspaper report about an event from their class text ‘The Stone Age Boy’. They have investigated the features of a newspaper report and have been able to replicate them for their own article. In Maths, they have been looking at the multiplication facts of the 2,4 and 8-times tables and have begun to use their knowledge to work out reasoning problems. In Geography, they have researched different landmarks and presented their findings to the rest of the class. In P.S.H.E, they have looked at different scenarios and have discussed whether or not bullying occurred. To help them to decide, they looked at the acronym S.T.O.P (Several Times on Purpose). In French, they have started to look at the seasons of the year and describing how each one feels. Year 4 – have been writing amazing poems, exploring the adventure that Arthur has been on. The children have been coming up with some creative rhyming words to use in their poems. In Maths, Year 4 have been continuing to look at multiplication and division facts. In Science, the children started to plan their enquiry based on the scientific question - How does the distance from the sound source affect the volume of the sound? In History, Year 4 have been learning about the impact of the ancient Greek civilisation on the modern world, including the first Olympic Games. Year 5 – have finished writing and publishing the newspaper article based on Salim's (a main character in the class text) disappearance and in Maths, the young mathematicians used their skills to compare and order fractions. In Science, the children also worked hard learning about separating techniques and in PE the children have been honing their flexibility, performing gymnastics. The children also contributed valuable discussion points in RE lesson which was focused on Islamic rites of passage and in French, they have learnt to say and write dates! Year 6 – have finished writing the narrative based on the short film clip 'Origins'. They have impressed us with their fantastic setting and character descriptions and have demonstrated their progress in applying the Year 6 writing success criteria features in their writing. In Maths, the children have finished the topic on fractions by focussing on multiplying and dividing fractions. In DT, Year 6 used the skills they previously learnt to create their own topping for a pizza base. In History, the children have enjoyed exploring entertainment in the Elizabethan times and creating their own performances. In groups, the children re-enacted a scene from one of William Shakespeare's plays (The Tempest, Macbeth and A Mid-Summer's Night Dream) and performed it to their class. Year 6 have proved that there are some very impressive thespians in the making! Comments are closed.
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February 2025