This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been busy writing a diary entry about the Iron Man in English. They have used lots of description and their feelings and thoughts to empathise with a character. In Maths, they have worked hard to solve division problems using the short formal method. They have begun their new Science topic about light, discussing sources of light and investigating which materials are the most reflective to incorporate in their book bag design. In French, they have been learning the names of musical instruments. Year 4 – have been very busy this week. In Maths, Lisbon and London have been learning how to multiply two-digit numbers by one-digit numbers, using their knowledge of times tables to help them. They had a go at writing their own short stories, based on their own mini Lego characters! They followed the story mountain stages and tried to include lots of the features of short stories. In Computing, both classes have been recapping how to stay safe online and then learning about spreadsheets. In Art this week, they had the chance to create their own designs using clay and practised the different skills involved in this. It was great fun! Year 5 – have written some fantastic setting descriptions of their classrooms. They discussed ideas using their 5 senses and added loads of detail throughout. In Maths, they have been practising the formal method for short division, with the children applying their excellent times table knowledge to complete problems with 4-digit numbers. In Humanities, they have continued their learning about the Mayans. The children used real artefacts to decide what they think the Mayans were really like. Year 6 – have finished their narratives inspired by Skellig. We are so impressed with the creativity shown in some excellent pieces of writing! In Maths, they have begun to learn. about ratio and started to apply this knowledge to scale drawings. They have also finished their Humanities topic related to North America by learning about natural disasters, types of trade and economies found across North America. Comments are closed.
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February 2025