This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been writing a persuasive letter in English in reaction to the King's decision in the book 'The King Who banned the Dark'. They came up with creative and imaginative reasons to keep the dark that really impressed their teachers. In Maths, they have continued their learning about times tables. They have used number lines to solve problems involving the 2, 3, 5, and 10 times tables. In Humanities, they have concluded their topic on The Stone Age by learning about Stonehenge. They were able to explore the prehistoric site using Google Earth and made their predictions about how the monument may have looked when it was first built. On Tuesday, Year 3 had an exciting Zoom call with Farmer Nicola. The children were thrilled to be introduced to her sheep dog puppy, Pip, who is only 8 weeks old! Pip will be trained to work on the farm and will be kept very busy looking after the hundreds of sheep. The children were able to ask Nicola questions about how she cares for her animals and her role as a farmer. Year 4 – have been continuing to work on times tables in Maths, focusing on their 9s and 7s. In English, they have been writing a set of instructions for Thor. Last week, they wrote about how the giants outwitted him so this week they have been writing instructions, advising Thor how to become stronger and smarter so that he can beat the giants when they next meet. In Science, they have explored pitch and how it changes on different instruments. In DT, they have been exploring the advantages and disadvantages of eating seasonally. Year 5 – have been working hard in Maths to consolidate what they have learnt about fractions so far. They have successfully matched equivalent fractions and have impressed us with how well they have applied their knowledge of equivalent fractions to converting and comparing fractions. In English, both classes have completed their narratives based upon a time travel adventure and they are such a joy to read. All children thought of a totally unique and creative way to find their way back home to end their stories, some even brought back a new friend from the past or future to meet their family. In Science, the children witnessed an exciting experiment that showed an example of an irreversible change. We conducted the Coke and Mentos experiment on the playground and watched the reaction unfold. In Humanities, children have wowed us with how much they had remembered about the Anglo-Saxons from last week and built on this knowledge by considering how the Viking invasion would have impacted them. Year 6 – have finished writing to persuade the president of the moon to release the baboon. They have worked really hard to use features of persuasive writing and we are certain the baboon should be released shortly! In maths, they have begun a new topic about fractions, focusing on finding equivalent fractions using diagrams and multiplication and division facts and applying their understanding to a range of problems. Comments are closed.
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February 2025