This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been writing a persuasive letter based on their class text 'The King Who Banned the Dark'. Using the events of the book, they planned, wrote and edited a letter trying to persuade the king to bring back the dark. For their grammar focuses, they tried to include ‘a’ and ‘an’ correctly in their sentences as well as using conjunctions and different word classes to ensure that their sentences make sense. In Maths, they have linked their understanding of multiplication and division and have started to use short division to calculate bigger division problems. In PSHE, they discussed a wide range of dreams and goals that they may have for the future, both in terms of their careers and bucket list items that they might like to do. In Science, they looked how to protect themselves from the sun and discussed why it was important to do so. In history, they have started to look at the bronze age and have explored the process of smelting. Year 4 – have been learning how to multiply 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by 1 digit-numbers. They explored different methods and practised their times tables alongside this. In English, they have started a non-chronological report about different types of cats. They researched and planned their report and were interested to see the differences between the wild and domestic cats. In Science, they learnt how to build circuits and even had a go at lighting a bulb using the components of a circuit. In Art, they explored shade and tint, learning the difference between the two of them. In PSHE, they discussed the life story of the famous Michael Jordan and explored how he persevered and showed resilience over the years in order to be successful. Year 5 – have written character descriptions of interesting characters based on a video 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'. The descriptive language they used brought the characters to life. The budding mathematicians have been working hard on practising long multiplication and 4 -digit division. In Guided Reading we have continued to read the class book - Cosmic and in Science they created a fantastic poster of Isaac Newton. The children have been brilliant artists recreating a portrait of themselves on tracing paper and in History the children have started learning about Mayans. It has been a busy week in Year 5. Year 6 – have begun writing their own narratives inspired by the story of ‘Skellig’ by David Almond. They are working hard to include features from the Year 6 writing success criteria, mainly: convey atmosphere, describe characters, describe setting and integrate dialogue to advance the narrative. In Maths, Year 6 have started to solve problems involving ratio; this week they have been introduced to the language of ratio and the ratio symbol. In Humanities, the children have begun exploring Brazil as a country, this week they have identified its location and used a 6-grid reference to identify its major regions. Year 6 have started their new Science topic all about light and how we see things. Comments are closed.
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February 2025