This Week In School…
Year 3 – have begun drafting their first-person narrative where they travel through a portal into an exciting new setting. They have been learning to write expanded noun phrases to describe their characters and setting using adventurous adjectives. In Maths, they have been applying their times table knowledge to a range of problems. In addition, they have learnt to use the place value grid to multiply by 10. In Science, they have begun learning about the 5 main food groups and what nutrients each of them provides. In RE, they have learnt about the main religious festivals and how they are celebrated. Year 4 – have been working hard on their assessments. They have continued to research information about Iceland. They have also started to write their travel brochure trying to persuade someone to go to Iceland. In PSHE, the children were understanding what a bystander is and why witnesses sometimes join in with bullying and sometimes don’t tell. In Science, Year 4 created their own knowledge organisers about our topic 'Sound'. In French, they were learning how to say how old someone is. In Guided Reading, the children were using the pages from the book to look at what Arthur might take with him on his quest. We then discussed what the children would take on the quest with them, if it was them going in his place. Year 5 – have been busy taking their assessments and their perseverance and their resilience has been truly commendable. The children have also begun writing a new narrative based on Paddington Bear; they have come up with creative ideas to use as problems and resolution to their story! In French, the children have learnt to say their birthday and in Maths they have learnt to subtract fractions. The children explored religious and secular rites of passage, consolidating their knowledge for this term and they have continued to enhance their sewing skills by working on pencil cases! It has been a fun week in Year 5! Year 6 – have continued writing their narrative based on the video – Glued. So far, the children have started to write setting and character descriptions and we have been very impressed by the figurative language and vocabulary they have been using to write some effective descriptions. In Maths, they have been solving problems involving converting units. In PSHE, Year 6 have planned and rehearsed a scenario which identifies a difference which can be a source of conflict and a cause of celebration. In Science, the children have planned and investigated how harmful micro-organisms grow. They have set up an investigation to see what conditions mould need to grow and over a period of time will be observing slices of bread in their chosen conditions to see which of their predictions were correct. In DT, Year 6 have followed a recipe and demonstrated a range of food skills and techniques to prepare Mexican food (guacamole and salsa). They thoroughly enjoyed tasting their Mexican feast in class! Comments are closed.
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February 2025