Educatering, our lunch provider have just been informed of planned works to their facility on Tuesday 21st January. As this will cause an interrupted power supply, we have been asked to only take orders for packed lunch options on this day only. These will show as the only 2 options when booking on that day, the rest of the week is unaffected.
If you have already ordered for Tuesday 21st January, please note that you will need to rebook the lunch for that day. Please contact the school reception if you have any issues booking. Thank you. Dear Parents/Carers,
I am pleased to inform you that your child will be participating in swimming lessons next term. We are unable to bring the swimming pool into our school any longer therefore we are moving back to using a conventional swimming pool. Swimming lessons will be held at Woodrow High House, HP7 0QG on Wednesdays and transport is provided to and from the pool. Swimming will start on the first Wednesday back, 8th January 2025. Mr Clifford, Miss Yandell will be supporting the children whilst they are swimming. All dates are below: Wednesday 8th Jan 2025 Wednesday 15th Jan 2025 Wednesday 22nd Jan 2025 Wednesday 29th Jan 2025 Wednesday 5th February 2025 Wednesday 12th February 2025 On the day, your child will have lunch at school at 11:30am, leave school at 12:20pm and arrive back at school by 3:15pm. Your child will need to come to school in their PE Kit on that day as they will also be doing Basketball at Woodrow for the other half of this lesson. Please note that this will replace their PE on a Monday/Thursday and a Friday for the entire Spring 1 term. They must bring the following every Wednesday: • Swimming costume (boys to wear swimming trunks (not shorts) girls to wear a one-piece costume) • 1 towel • Swim hat (advisable) • Goggles (if the goggles consent form (below) has been signed) Parents should be aware that the pool authorities forbid the wearing of earrings. If your child has a verruca, they will still be expected to attend swimming but they must wear a verruca sock. Our swimming programme is designed to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum and is carefully structured to ensure that children are confident and safe in and around the water. Please return the slip on the paper copy of this letter that is going home with children today, giving permission for your child to attend the swimming lessons. Goggles Whilst they are not considered to be essential, we recognise that children who swim frequently or whose eyes are susceptible to irritation may prefer to use goggles for swimming. They may help maintain the required body position and improve vision through the water. Therefore, parents may request that their child uses goggles during the lessons by filling in the form below. I should inform you that it is your responsibility, as parent, to teach your child to put on and take off goggles in the correct and safe fashion. Our advice would be to read the manufacturer’s instructions for putting them on and taking them off. This is important to ensure protection of eyes from impact damage through stretching the eyepieces away from the face with wet fingers. Please ensure that goggles are of a good quality. Goggles should be British Standard Institution (BSI) Goggles which includes makes such as Speedo or Zoggs, which will include instruction on the package for the correct way to put them on and take them off. You should be aware that on occasions your child will be asked to remove their goggles in order to safely perform certain aquatic activities. If you would like your child to wear goggles during swimming lessons, please complete the form on the paper copy of this letter that is going home with children today. No goggles may be worn without the signed form. Yours sincerely Mr Paul Clifford Deputy Head Teacher This Week In School…
Year 3 – have begun drafting their first-person narrative where they travel through a portal into an exciting new setting. They have been learning to write expanded noun phrases to describe their characters and setting using adventurous adjectives. In Maths, they have been applying their times table knowledge to a range of problems. In addition, they have learnt to use the place value grid to multiply by 10. In Science, they have begun learning about the 5 main food groups and what nutrients each of them provides. In RE, they have learnt about the main religious festivals and how they are celebrated. Year 4 – have been working hard on their assessments. They have continued to research information about Iceland. They have also started to write their travel brochure trying to persuade someone to go to Iceland. In PSHE, the children were understanding what a bystander is and why witnesses sometimes join in with bullying and sometimes don’t tell. In Science, Year 4 created their own knowledge organisers about our topic 'Sound'. In French, they were learning how to say how old someone is. In Guided Reading, the children were using the pages from the book to look at what Arthur might take with him on his quest. We then discussed what the children would take on the quest with them, if it was them going in his place. Year 5 – have been busy taking their assessments and their perseverance and their resilience has been truly commendable. The children have also begun writing a new narrative based on Paddington Bear; they have come up with creative ideas to use as problems and resolution to their story! In French, the children have learnt to say their birthday and in Maths they have learnt to subtract fractions. The children explored religious and secular rites of passage, consolidating their knowledge for this term and they have continued to enhance their sewing skills by working on pencil cases! It has been a fun week in Year 5! Year 6 – have continued writing their narrative based on the video – Glued. So far, the children have started to write setting and character descriptions and we have been very impressed by the figurative language and vocabulary they have been using to write some effective descriptions. In Maths, they have been solving problems involving converting units. In PSHE, Year 6 have planned and rehearsed a scenario which identifies a difference which can be a source of conflict and a cause of celebration. In Science, the children have planned and investigated how harmful micro-organisms grow. They have set up an investigation to see what conditions mould need to grow and over a period of time will be observing slices of bread in their chosen conditions to see which of their predictions were correct. In DT, Year 6 have followed a recipe and demonstrated a range of food skills and techniques to prepare Mexican food (guacamole and salsa). They thoroughly enjoyed tasting their Mexican feast in class! Activity clubs for next half term are now available to book!
Clubs will show under the payment tab on your child's School Money account ( Please only select the club payments you wish to book your child a space for. Club payments that are not paid/needed for will be removed from your account after the first day of each club. Activity clubs start Monday 13th January and run for 5 weeks (last club will be Thursday 13th February). Clubs cost £3 per session and can be booked for the full half term, each club shows the cost of £15. Please note, Early birds and Bluebells will still run as normal from the first day back, Tuesday 7th January. Should you have any issues logging into your School Money account, please email [email protected]. This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been working hard to finish off their newspaper reports. They have used the features of a newspaper to help tell people about the events that occurred in their class text, ' The Stone Age Boy'. In Maths, they have completed their Autumn 2 assessments for arithmetic and reasoning and should be very proud of themselves! In P.S.H.E they have looked at hurtful words and how they may affect people. In History, they have looked at trade in the Stone Age and role played being a Stone Age person. They had to negotiate and exchange goods and services to make sure that their tribe could survive the incoming winter. In French, they continued their learning about the seasons and learnt how to talk and write about summer in French. In Science, they have started to looked at the muscles in the body and how they make us move. This week they looked at the tricep and the bicep and how they help us to bend and straighten our arms. Year 4 – have finished writing, editing and publishing their amazing poems about Arthur's adventure to the land of the gods. They have also started researching Iceland to find out lots of information for their travel brochure. In Maths, the children have been consolidating their knowledge about everything they have learnt in the Autumn term. In Science, Year 4 have conducted an investigation about how distance can affect the volume of sound. They used different equipment such as a decibel meter, alarm clock and measuring tape. In DT, the children had fun making and tasting their seasonal vegetable soup. In French, the children have been learning how to introduce family members, learning to use ‘il/elle s’appelle’ (he/she is called). Year 5 – have been busy learning to add mixed numbers and their application of previously acquired skills and knowledge has been impressive! The children have also begun to write a diary entry as Kat - a prominent character in their class book. The embedding of Kat's emotions as well as the success criteria features (which is very challenging to do) by the children have been exceptional! In Science, the young scientists observed the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment to learn more about irreversible reactions and in Geography, the children learnt about trade and the economy in China. Children in Year 5 have shown some amazing skills at playing violins too! It has been a fun but busy week for Year 5! Year 6 – have started a new piece of writing in English. They are building on their skills from their last piece of writing and will be re-telling another story, Glued, focussing on creating great settings and character descriptions. In Maths, they are continuing to learn about converting metric measures. This week in PSHE, the children looked at Paralympians and created an award that they would like to present to their chosen Paralympian to reflect the obstacles that athlete has had to overcome in order to achieve their goals. They have been learning about harmful and helpful micro-organisms in Science; and had a great afternoon creating volcanoes linked to their geography topic, South America. Thank you for your support and attendance to the parents whose children have attended morning interventions this term. We hope that you have found it beneficial for your child.
In the final few weeks of term we will be conducting our end of term assessments. This will be used to inform our interventions for Spring term. Therefore, morning interventions will end on Friday 13th December. We will contact parents of children who we would like to offer morning interventions to at the beginning of the spring term. Please note if you need your child in school before 8.40 they will need to be booked into breakfast club. |
School NewsThis is where we'll post all school news and updates. If you require paper copies of any information on our website then please contact Miss Lainsbury in our school reception. Archives
February 2025