This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been developing their author's voice by writing the sequel to 'The Tin Forest'. They are using their knowledge of plot to create a new problem for the main character and his animals to face. To help the story to develop, they have included dialogue which has been punctuated with inverted commas. In Maths, they have been using bar model to help decide which operation to use to solve different word problems. They have also continued to explore subtraction and have completed calculations that require exchanging. In History, they have journeyed back in time so that they could create their very own cave paintings using charcoal and pastels. They have even researched different Stone Age animals that would have been around in prehistoric Britain to ensure accuracy. Year 4 – have finished writing and publishing an amazing adventure story about a plastic bag. In Maths, the children have been finding the most efficient method of subtraction and learning how to estimate the answer to a calculation with accuracy. In Science, they were having discussions with their peers and the class about what they have been learning this term. They were then able to use this to make their own knowledge organisers. In History, Year 4 were finding out about the beliefs of the ancient Greeks and who the Olympian Gods were. Year 5 – have explored square numbers and cube numbers; they applied this knowledge to reasoning problems, which deepened their knowledge. In English, the children's narrative based on 'The Cyclops' chapter from the class book culminated - the budding writers used descriptive language to weave character and setting description into their stories, which was impressive! In history, the children delved into the world of King Alfred and explored reasons why he was given the title 'The Great' and they honed their language skills by learning how to say 'They don't have....' in French! It has been a fun week in Year 5! Year 6 – have been working very hard on assessments. They have had tests in grammar, spelling, reading and maths; we are very proud of the positivity and resilience they have shown during the week. As well as assessments, they have written a persuasive letter to the Minister of the Moon persuading him to release his employee (Baboon) from his duties of lighting the moon. They have been very persuasive and have included many features from the Year 6 writing success criteria. In History, the children have drawn comparisons between Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. In Science, Year 6 have identified evidence for evolution from fossil records - this concludes the ‘Evolution and inheritance’ topic for this term. As we come to the end of the first half term of the school year, we would like to remind everyone about our attendance policy here at IVJS and let you know of some changes in the Government policy with regards to attendance and holiday fines.
Every moment in school counts and days missed add up quickly. Evidence shows that pupils who have good attendance enjoy better wellbeing and school performance than those who don't. The school day is split into two sessions – one session counts as a morning or afternoon spent in school. If your child misses school without a good reason, local councils and schools can intervene and you may be issued a fine. Please read the latest information on the .gov site Please see our Autumn 1 Attendance Newsletter and our Attendance policy below: Activity clubs for next half term are now available to book!
Clubs will show under the payment tab on your child's School Money account ( Please only select the club payments you wish to book your child a space for. Club payments that are not paid/needed for will be removed from your account after the first day of each club. Please note, the football clubs are limited to 20 spaces each. Clubs start the second week back after the half term as there are parents' evenings and an INSET day the first week. Activity clubs start Monday 11th November and run for 5 weeks (last club will be Friday 13th December). Clubs cost £3 per session and can be booked for the full half term, each club shows the cost of £15. Please note, Early birds and Bluebells will still run as normal. Should you have any issues logging into your School Money account, please email [email protected]. This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been honing their persuasion skills by writing a letter to the people of Iver in the hopes of getting help to improve the environment. They have included emotive language as well as some impressive rhetorical questions. In Maths, they have refined their subtraction techniques as well as completing more complex addition calculations which require regrouping. In Science, they have explored the world of biodiversity and have looked how planting trees and plants can increase the variety of wildlife in an area. In Geography, they have researched both human and physical features of the River Thames, including that it is 215 miles long and that King Henry III's polar bear used it as a swimming pool! Year 3 have worked really well this week and should be very proud! Year 4 – have been writing an amazing adventure story about the journey of a plastic bag. In Maths, children have been adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers using column method. The children have been scientists, investigating how temperature can affect the rate of evaporation. In Geography, Year 4 learnt what a mountain is and identified what mountains are in Africa using maps. In DT, they discussed the advantages and disadvantages of eating seasonal foods, ready for when they plan to make our own soup. Year 5 – have explored factors and multiples and the budding mathematicians have worked hard to apply their knowledge to reasoning questions too. In English, the children have begun to write a narrative based on 'The Cyclops' chapter from the class book - their use of noun phrases and fronted adverbials have been remarkable! In Geography, the children learnt about parts of a river by exploring major rivers in China. In Art, the blossoming artists used different mediums to create some amazing pieces of artwork - they were exceptional! It has been a busy but fun week in Year 5! Year 6 – have been busy! This week most of the children in year 6 have been away on their PGL activity week. However, those children who have remained at school have also had a week full of different activities. They have: designed their own pillowcase and painted their design onto a pillowcase with fabric paints; created a 'nature art bug'; designed and painted stones; learnt about the decades from the 1950s through to the 2000s and then created a mood board linked to one of the decades; had a construction afternoon where they used Lego to create various structures; taken part in some sporting activities; made cards; watched a film; and taken part in a variety of challenges both as individuals and in teams. This term, our Parents' Evenings will be a combination of online and in person to help accommodate as many parents as possible. They will be held on Tuesday 5th (in person) and Thursday 7th November (online via video call).
PLEASE NOTE: Our appointments are set in 10 minute slots, if you need a longer appointment, please ask the teacher during your appointment and they can arrange another time to meet with you. We are using the School Cloud booking system again this year to book your appointments. If you choose an appointment on Tuesday 4th November, the appointments will be held with the class teacher in their classroom so please come to the school reception on the day and you will be directed to wait in the shared area. If you choose an appointment on the Thursday, the appointments will be on video call, please log in to the School Cloud system again and your call will automatically pop up on the website just before your appointment. Please remember to email or call the school reception if you are having any issues logging on or email the class teacher if you cannot make any of the times available. Teachers emails all follow the format [email protected] eg [email protected] or [email protected] etc This year's Christmas lunch will be on Wednesday 18th December. This will need to be ordered by Tuesday 19th November. You can order the lunch as a shop item on your child's School Money account. Children who are entitled to Free School Meals will be messaged with a separate order form.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We have provisionally booked a 4-night residential visit to the Windmill Hill near Hailsham, Sussex from Monday 20th October – Friday 24th October 2025. The visit includes a full programme of activities and is similar to those we have run in the past. The group will be accompanied by teaching staff from the school and fully qualified instructors at the centre supervise each activity. Whilst the trip is not essential for curriculum purposes, it provides an excellent opportunity for children to extend their learning and to refine their personal and social skills. The residential trip is at beginning of the academic year which will allow the children to gain confidence going into their last year at primary school. It is also an opportunity for teachers to identify different strengths in children that we can build on throughout the year. A meeting for parents giving detailed arrangements will be held nearer the time. In order to help organise and plan this trip in advance, we would need to get an idea of the numbers of pupils who would like to attend. Therefore, for the visit to take place a payment of £483.00 per child is required. A non-refundable deposit of £63.00 must be paid via School Money in order to secure a place Tuesday 5th November 2024. The full cost must be paid via School Money (monthly instalments will be arranged) by 1st September 2025, although we would appreciate it if payments could be made as early as possible. If your child is entitled to Pupil Premium/Free School Meals, please feel free to contact us if there are any difficulties involving the cost. Only a limited number of places are available and we ask that deposits made no later than 5th November 2024 to avoid disappointment. Payments: £483 total Non-refundable Deposit of £63 by 05/11/2024 10 regular monthly payments of £42 starting on 01/12/24 until 01/09/2025 via School Money to secure your child’s place on the trip Yours sincerely, Mr P Clifford |
School NewsThis is where we'll post all school news and updates. If you require paper copies of any information on our website then please contact Miss Lainsbury in our school reception. Archives
February 2025