Cauliflower Christmas cards are back and available to order! The children have created a Christmas design and will be coming home with a copy of their design showing what you can order! Please remember to order online as soon as possible using the school code and unique code at the top left of the page to order items with your child's specific design.
Please note, the original copies of the order forms have been kept in school to avoid damage. Head to to place your orders. Please let the school reception know if you do not have your child's code. This Week In School…
Year 3 – have had a very busy week. Everyone enjoyed their first Zoom call with Farmer Nicola, who works in the Scottish Highlands, farming red deer and sheep. The children asked fantastic and very thoughtful questions. In English, they have been writing a diary entry based around 'The Tin Forest' text. They have been focusing on writing in the first person, in the past tense and in chronological order. In Maths, they have come to the end of their place value topic, focusing on counting in ascending and descending order and continuing number patterns. They have used a range of soft pencils to explore shading and tone, working with great care and attention to detail during their Art lesson. Year 4 – have been working in groups to research plastic pollution. They have been very interested and shocked to find out so many facts about the problems with plastic. Using their research, they have started to write a non-chronological report about plastic pollution. In Maths, children have been working hard to identify numbers to 10000 on a number line. In Science, they used different equipment to take accurate measurements. In History, children explored the differences between Athens and Sparta, they also looked at different historical sources to understand what Sparta and Athens were like. In French, children have been learning how to say their name and ask someone what their name is. Year 5 – have continued to write their narratives based on the video ' The Girl and The Fox'. They have also deepened their knowledge of coordinating conjunctions and fronted adverbials, which they have managed to weave in to their narratives so well! In Maths, the children have mastered rounding skills by practising rounding up to 1,000,000! They have continued to read their class book - The Adventures of Odysseus - and they exhibited their grasp of the character's emotions by doing freeze frames. In Humanities, the children have started learning about the Viking invasion and they wrote letters as Vikings - they were detailed and descriptive! The children explored more about their rights and responsibilities that children have and their contributions in class discussions were insightful! It has been a busy and productive week in Year 5! Year 6 – have been researching global warming and climate change so that they can write a non-chronological report on the subject. This is linked to their class book ‘Floodlands’ by Marcus Sedwick. In Maths, they have finished the topic on place value and are beginning their new topic of the four operations. In Geography, Year 6 have used their understanding of the location of South America to make predictions about the climate. The children have also worked really hard in Science and have identified the key ideas of the theory of evolution. If you have any donations for our next Bag2School collection, please bring them in on Wednesday 2nd October! For the full details of what is being collected as donations, head to:
The School Nurse Team are in on Tuesday 1st October to administer flu vaccinations to each year group. Please read the letter below and make sure you either consent or decline the vaccination for your child/children at using the school code: EE110239
This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been working really hard on their character description in English. They have taken the protagonist from the Tin Forest and used the images in the book to develop wonderful sentences to describe the character. They have used adjectives, paragraphs and other grammar features to enable the reader to fully imagine the character in their heads. In Maths, they have continued their investigation into place value by looking at number lines to 1000. They have their knowledge of number lines and place value to both accurately place numbers as well as estimate where they think the numbers should go. In Geography, they have looked at their maps skills by drawing their very own map of Iver using OS symbols. In Science, they have continued to work scientifically in their investigation to see which seed will grow the best and have looked at the functions of different scientific equipment. In French, they have recapped different greetings and have learnt to how to tell people what their name is in French. Year 4 – have continued learning about place value, they have found 1, 10, 100 and a 1000 more or less of a number and have been learning how to flexibly partition numbers up to 1000. In English, children have been writing instructions about how to make their own recycled robot. In Science, they have been learning how water can change state and that temperature can affect the state of water. In PSHE, they explored the Right of the Child and what that means as well as learning all about plastic pollution in Guided Reading as part of their book this term 'One Plastic Bag'. Year 5 – have begun to write a narrative based on the video 'The Girl and the Fox' - the ambitious vocabulary and powerful adjectives they have used have been remarkable! In Maths, children have delved more in to place value by applying their mathematical skills working with numbers up to a million. The children have continued reading the class book 'The Adventures of Odysseus' and their enthusiastic contributions have been inspiring. The children also applied the knowledge they have learnt about materials to design an item to protect egg! Their designs were creative and they managed to protect 4 eggs! In Humanities, the children continued to explore China, learning more about its landscapes. It has been a busy week in Year 5! Year 6 – have been finishing their stories about a dragon slayer - they have been using some great descriptive vocabulary for setting and character descriptions. In Maths, the children have been looking at place value and have also had a focus on arithmetic. The children have continued their science topic on Evolution and Inheritance and have been looking at the ways organisms have adapted to suit their environment. In History, they have been finding out more about Henry VIII and in pairs, did some research and created PowerPoints about the Tudor monarch before deciding if they thought he had been a good king or a bad king. The children have worked with charcoal in Art this week and have produced some Maya-inspired word art using the technique of chiaroscuro - using light and dark to create form and impact. We were very fortunate that so many of our parents responded to our Parent Survey that was sent out at the end of last academic year. We have compiled the results and comments into a report. Thank you to all the parents who helped with their feedback. Please click on the image below to download the full document.
![]() To celebrate Harvest Festival, we are asking if anyone would like to donate items to Slough Foodbank. 1 in 5 families in the UK live in poverty; many families hit crisis and cannot afford food. Many people are skipping meals in order to pay other bills. The food bank helps local families in food poverty crisis through the provision of emergency food supplies donated by churches, schools, businesses and the general public. If you would like to donate any items, please could they be brought into school on the morning of Tuesday 8th October. They will be collected by Rev'd Robert Gooding and Rev'd Sarah Smith as part of a Lower School Harvest assembly and taken to the Slough Foodbank. Please ensure any food donated is unopened, non-perishable and in date. Their current donation priorities are: FOOD: URGENT ◊ Soup (Tinned) ◊ Cooking Sauces (Long-life) ◊ Fruit juice (Long-life) ◊ Milk (Long-life)◊ Fruit (Tinned) ◊ Tuna (Tinned) ◊ Meat (Tinned) ◊ Vegetarian meals (Tinned) ◊ Vegetables (Tinned) ◊ Rice Pudding (Long-life) ◊ Instant Mash ALWAYS REQUIRED ◊ Sponge Puddings (Long-life) ◊ Custard (Long-life) ◊ Coffee & Tea (small sizes) ◊ Tomatoes (Tinned) ◊ Instant Mash Please note no pasta is required Many thanks for your support. You are invited to our Phonics Morning on Wednesday 9th October at 9am. Come and find out what we are doing in our phonics lessons and how you can help!
School NewsThis is where we'll post all school news and updates. If you require paper copies of any information on our website then please contact Miss Lainsbury in our school reception. Archives
February 2025