This Week In School…
Year 3 – have finished writing their longest narrative yet about 'The King Who Banned the Dark'. They have looked deeply into speech to ensure that the plot is interesting and keeps the reader entertained. In Maths, they have started to explore the world of length and perimeter. They have looked at measuring in m, cm and mm as well as converting between the three. In PSHE, they have discussed the role of the teamwork and have looked at how use the associated skills to reach a common goal. In Science, they have investigated the difference between opaque, translucent and transparent materials and have planned an investigation surrounding shadows. In History, they looked at the artefacts left by the Amesbury Archer and thought about what information they could gather from the objects. Year 4 – have performed some role play in class and imagined they were Varjak Paw- a Mesopotamian Blue cat. They have used information from the text to start writing a biography about his life. In Maths, they have finished their multiplication and division topic. They are moving on to length and perimeter for the remainder of this half term. In Science, they completed the planning and investigating of different materials to see which ones were conductors or insulators. They were excited to see the bulbs brightly light up as the energy travelled through the conductors! In French, they recapped the order of Goldilocks and the three Bears- their knowledge of the story in a different language is improving every week. In Computing, they have been collecting notes from different sources (emails, recordings) as newspaper journalists, ready to write their own report about the storm they are investigating. It has been a busy week in Year 4! Year 5 – have begun to write a narrative based on the video - 'The Dreamgiver'. The children amazed us with their comprehensive description of the characters and settings. The young mathematicians have also worked hard at deepening their knowledge of fractions - learning how to find quantities of fractions. In Science, the children enhanced their knowledge of air resistance by carrying out an experiment using paper helicopters. The children continued to work on their self-portraits in Art by creating the background and in Humanities, the children learnt all about depicting history by using Mayan artefacts. It was a busy week in Year 5! Year 6 – have finished writing their narrative and have impressed us with their fantastic setting and character descriptions. They have worked really hard to include as many grammatical features as possible from the Year 6 writing success criteria. In Maths, the children have applied their knowledge of ratio and proportion to solve problems involving ingredients. In Science, Year 6 have written an information text about how the eye works. In Art, the children have enjoyed applying their interpretation skills to analyse and respond to an abstract painting by the contemporary British painter, Fiona Rae. In Music, Year 6 are continuing to learn how to play the Djembe drums and have enjoyed creating their own beats. Dear Parents/Guardians,
On the week commencing 3rd March, our pupils will be visiting Cuffley Camp to take part in an outdoor activity day.
We are thrilled to be able to offer this trip to all pupils again as we know what an incredible experience it will be. Pupils will benefit from opportunities to develop teamwork and resilience skills through activities they may not otherwise have the opportunity to partake in. We are in the fortunate position to be able to utilise PE funding to cover the cost of the trip for all pupils and so there will be NO cost to parents. The trip is costing us approximately £60 per child which includes the day at Cuffley camp, qualified instructors to run the activities and coach transport to and from the camp. We firmly believe this is a fantastic opportunity for our pupils and want all pupils to be able to engage in the experience. If you would like to contribute towards the cost of the trip, you can do via school money. Any contributions of any size will be put back into the PE budget and used to continue to develop our provision of PE and outdoor education. Pupils will need to arrive at school by 8:15am on the day. They will leave Cuffley Camp at 2:30pm and so should be back at school for collection by 3:15pm depending on traffic. Pupils will need to bring:
Many thanks, Mr Clifford Next week is Bikeability week! Bikeability will take place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with the children going out for lessons throughout the school day.
Please send your child in wearing PE kit each day. Children are welcome to bring their bikes in on Monday and leave them in school until Wednesday evening. We will keep these in the school building overnight. REMINDER: Your child will need their bike to be in good working condition and will need their helmet and weather appropriate jackets each day. ![]() This Week In School… Year 3 – have had a great week. In Maths, they have been using the bus stop method to divide 2-digit numbers, with a focus on remainders. In English, they have started to write a narrative about 'The King who banned the dark', focusing on setting and character descriptions. They had an interesting Zoom call with Farmer Nicola, who farms in the Scottish Highlands. The children were able to ask her lots of questions and learnt about how she cares for her animals. In art, they have started a new topic about sculpture and used cardboard to investigate folding and joining techniques, without using any glue or tape. In PE, they are enjoying their hockey and dance units, expressing the roles of the characters from Matilda using dance moves. Year 4 – have started the week with looking at toys from over the years and completing their analysis of them. This is to help them with the planning and making of their own electrical toys coming up in the next few weeks! In Maths, Year 4 have been learning how to divide 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. Although this was quite challenging for them, they persevered really well. Well done Year 4! In English, they have just completed writing their non-chronological reports about cats. In Science, they have looked at the differences between conductors and insulators, ready for their investigation next week! In History, they had the chance to compare the lives of the rich and poor during Roman times. Year 5 – have written exceptional setting descriptions about a magical planet and a setting of their choice - the descriptive language and the success criteria they used blew us away! The young mathematicians have concluded their second unit on multiplication and divisions and have now started fractions. In Guided Reading, the children have continued to read their class book Cosmic, the predictions they made using inferencing skills have been fantastic! In Science, the budding scientists learnt the difference between mass and weight and carried out an experiment using force meters. The highlight of the week was when Reverend Rob and Reverend Sarah spoke to Year 5 about prophets in Christianity. The children's questions and enthusiasm were exceptional! Year 6 – have continued to use their imaginations in English to write a story about finding something strange having moved home, taking inspiration from our book, Skellig, by David Almond. In our science topic on light, the children have been learning about the eye and how we see things. In geography, we have been looking at the climate in Brazil; the children have used graphs to interpret the weather and climate in different areas of Brazil. Some children even used Excel to create their own graphs showing the climate in particular areas. We had a great lesson in art this week when the children used their drama skills to re-enact a painting by John Singer Sargent entitled 'The Front Line'. The activity helped the children to empathise with injured soldiers on the front-line during World War 1. This Week In School…
Year 3 – have been writing a persuasive letter based on their class text 'The King Who Banned the Dark'. Using the events of the book, they planned, wrote and edited a letter trying to persuade the king to bring back the dark. For their grammar focuses, they tried to include ‘a’ and ‘an’ correctly in their sentences as well as using conjunctions and different word classes to ensure that their sentences make sense. In Maths, they have linked their understanding of multiplication and division and have started to use short division to calculate bigger division problems. In PSHE, they discussed a wide range of dreams and goals that they may have for the future, both in terms of their careers and bucket list items that they might like to do. In Science, they looked how to protect themselves from the sun and discussed why it was important to do so. In history, they have started to look at the bronze age and have explored the process of smelting. Year 4 – have been learning how to multiply 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by 1 digit-numbers. They explored different methods and practised their times tables alongside this. In English, they have started a non-chronological report about different types of cats. They researched and planned their report and were interested to see the differences between the wild and domestic cats. In Science, they learnt how to build circuits and even had a go at lighting a bulb using the components of a circuit. In Art, they explored shade and tint, learning the difference between the two of them. In PSHE, they discussed the life story of the famous Michael Jordan and explored how he persevered and showed resilience over the years in order to be successful. Year 5 – have written character descriptions of interesting characters based on a video 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'. The descriptive language they used brought the characters to life. The budding mathematicians have been working hard on practising long multiplication and 4 -digit division. In Guided Reading we have continued to read the class book - Cosmic and in Science they created a fantastic poster of Isaac Newton. The children have been brilliant artists recreating a portrait of themselves on tracing paper and in History the children have started learning about Mayans. It has been a busy week in Year 5. Year 6 – have begun writing their own narratives inspired by the story of ‘Skellig’ by David Almond. They are working hard to include features from the Year 6 writing success criteria, mainly: convey atmosphere, describe characters, describe setting and integrate dialogue to advance the narrative. In Maths, Year 6 have started to solve problems involving ratio; this week they have been introduced to the language of ratio and the ratio symbol. In Humanities, the children have begun exploring Brazil as a country, this week they have identified its location and used a 6-grid reference to identify its major regions. Year 6 have started their new Science topic all about light and how we see things. Here is the recording of the Century Parent Information webinar. Dear All,
With our Energize performance coming up, I wanted to appeal for your help with the costumes. For the show, the children have been asked to perform as mummies and we will supply the costumes. However, we are going to need your help! If possible, could you please provide a black top (long sleeve) and black bottoms (long trousers) - or any neutral colours that you already have - for the mummy bandages to be sewn on, this would work perfectly! Please do not send any new clothes, old clothes that the children no longer wear will be absolutely fine. Please remember to pop your child’s name on their clothes. This will help us keep track of everything during rehearsals and the performance. Thank you so much for your support! We can’t wait for the performance, and your help with costumes is greatly appreciated! Miss Short This Week In School…
Year 3 – have had a great first week back after the Christmas holidays. In Maths, they have been learning to multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number. In English, they have been reading 'The King who banned the dark', planning a persuasive letter using some of the themes from the story. They have been discussing challenging situations during PSHE, working in pairs to discuss and complete a diamond nine activity, which they then presented to the class. In Music, they have been learning to the glockenspiel, learning how to hold the beater correctly and learning the names of the notes. It has been a busy week! Year 4 – have had a great start to the Spring term. In English, the children have enjoyed reading different riddles and starting their own riddles about different animals. In Maths, the children have been dividing by 10 and 100. In History, the children were finding out about the Romans place in history and what Iver was like in the period. In Science, the children were naming common appliances that use electricity and were understanding what is meant by a series circuit. In Computing, the children discovered what copyright and ownership is. They looked at different scenarios and discussed what the problem and consequence is of each one. In Guided Reading, Year 4 have enjoyed reading the first chapter of Varjak Paw. They answered retrieval questions based off this chapter and wrote what they had learnt about Varjak Paw so far. Year 5 – have settled back exceptionally well into routines. They have been learning all about long multiplication in Maths and in English, the children have been learning about apostrophes and conjunctions. Their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn have been impressive! In Geography, the children started learning about Asia and in DT they explored all about African musical instruments. The children also learnt all about giving first aid to someone in need of it—they were fantastic using the skills they learnt in role-play. It has been a successful learning week in Year 5! Year 6 – have had an exciting week as they have started their swimming lessons at the leisure centre, where they also had a PE lesson involving basketball. In History, the children have started their new topic about the Victorians and have been using primary sources of evidence to infer what the era was like from paintings. They have also started their new topic in Art, based on painting and mixed media: portraits. This week they looked at how artists show what life was like during the period a portrait was painted. In RE, the children have started to learn about founders and prophets and in PSHE they are discussing their goals for the future. |
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February 2025