On Monday, we had an incredible afternoon where we met a local author called Jackie Marchant. Jackie is the writer the fantastically hilarious series ‘Dougal Daley’. Her books were so popular that she sold out! Fortunately, she ordered more which were received by the children today. Happy reading everyone!
On Wednesday 17th January IVJS were invited to attend a swimming gala at the Wycombe Abbey School. With their outstanding facilities and free snacks we had a great time! Racing against ten other schools across Bucks, IVJS handled themselves extremely well and overall came fifth in the boy’s races and sixth in the girls! The eight pupils that went where a credit to us! Thank you to all of the parents who helped us to attend and to the amazing swimmers!
![]() This Week In School… Year 3 – have been working with fractions in Maths, writing stories inspired by the book Oliver and the Seawigs in English, have been looking at abstract designs in Art and been finding counties in Geography! A group of Year 3s have also started rehearsing for the Energize performance, learning the moves to a fantastic group dance! Year 4 – have been writing an information leaflet to persuade people to recycle plastic waste. In Maths, they have been working on their multiplication and division skills. Year 5 – have started writing an informal letter based on The Song from Somewhere Else. They have written it from Frank's perspective to her new found friend, Nick. In Maths, Year 5 have been very resilient, simplifying and converting fractions. In Science, they researched gravity and measured the mass and weight of various objects in the classroom. Year 6 – have been continuing to research red foxes so that they can start writing a non-chronological report about the animal. The children have also been learning about the features of rivers as they get further into their new Humanities topic. ![]() Selected children have been chosen to participate in the Buckinghamshire Energize performance 2018. Children will be taught songs to sing in a choir and a dance to perform on stage. children must be available for performances on Thursday 15th March at 7:00 pm and Saturday 17th March at 7:00pm. They will need to participate in rehearsals during school hours on Monday 5th February and Thursday 15th March. Transport via coach will be provided for rehearsals in school time. Please note: parents of children who have been selected will be sent a paper copy of this letter. ![]() Children love using the internet! Yet, like all technologies, using the internet can present some risks. Iver Village Junior School takes internet safety very seriously and implements many safety features to keep children safe when using internet in school; however, we do not have any control over how children use the internet at home or, increasingly, via mobile technologies. To raise an awareness of these risks and to look at how you will be able to help us keep children safe we have arranged a parents’ session on Tuesday 6th February 2018 at 2:00pm – 3:15pm in the hall where all parents are invited to a presentation on internet Safety. ![]() Our Year five girls are lucky enough to have two professional football coaches in from Play Our Way to teach them football for the next ten weeks. This will require your child to have a PE kit in every Wednesday along with suitable outdoor footwear. For more information, please click through to the letter. Please note, this has been sent out as a paper copy. As part of our focus on promoting the love of reading, we were visited by the Hobgoblin Theatre Company on today who entertained us with an engaging performance of The Unusual Adventures of Robin Hood. It was great fun, modern and an amusing twist on the classic tale.
The Hobgoblin Theatre Company is one of the UK's best loved touring theatre companies for schools who are committed to bringing entertaining, original theatre into schools. ![]() This Week In School… Year 3 – have started to read a new book, Oliver and the Seawigs. They have looked at the features of adventure stories and have begun writing their own. In Maths, the children have been finding missing numbers in calculations using their understanding of the inverse operation for both multiplication and division. Year 4 – have begun reading One Plastic Bag and learning about Isatou Ceesay, an environmental activist. They are beginning to collect information to write a leaflet on the importance of recycling plastic. In Maths, the children have been learning about factor pairs and using this knowledge to help them multiply bigger numbers. Year 5 – have been writing a poem from our character's perspective; how they feel to be bullied. They've discussed how their character is feeling and how we would be kind to others. In Maths, they had a look at fractions- which is always a challenging topic but they have persevered and are now able to order fractions. In Humanities, they are travelling back in time to Ancient Greece. Year 6 – have been starting to read their new book for this half term, 'Pax' by Sara Pennypacker. To support their reading, the children have been researching red foxes and have been working on free verse poetry linked to the characters. In Maths, they have been learning how to find percentages of amounts. They have also started their new Humanities and Science topics for this half term: Rivers and Electricity. ![]() We will be holding an information evening on Tuesday 16th January at 6pm to which all parents/carers of Y6 children are invited. SATs are statutory for all Y6 children who attend state schools in England and our aim is for all Y6 IVJS children to achieve the very best results that they are able to within a supportive and caring environment. |
School NewsThis is where we'll post all school news and updates. If you require paper copies of any information on our website then please contact Miss Lainsbury in our school reception. Archives
February 2025