Oracy intent statement
At IVJS we believe:
At IVJS we believe:
- The ability to communicate with others, voice our own opinions confidently and speak eloquently in a range of contexts are essential for our pupils to succeed at school and in their future. With our ever-changing society, it is more important now than ever to be a confident speaker and at our school, we aim to provide pupils with the opportunities to systematically develop oracy skills throughout the curriculum and access a high quality education in learning to talk and learning through talk.
- Value the voice of every child
- Explicitly teach vocabulary to pupils and encourage them to use new words accurately.
- Support pupils in understanding the 4 strands of the oracy framework and provide opportunities to develop skills in these areas.
- Explicitly teach oracy skills to pupils and build their skills systematically over time
- Provide opportunities for pupils to learn through talk daily.
- Appreciate the importance of their own voice and utilise their voice for impact
- Talk for a range of purposes
- Be effective listeners and engage others in discussions
- Utilise vocabulary accurately